The Concert

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Hi There my fellow Ghost Fan!
This is mainly about how every Ghoul and Ghoulette falls in love with the new member Y/n and wants her attention!


I had been very excited for the past days as me and my best friend (Abby) had good tickets to a concert!

My friend and I loved the thought of going to a Ghost Ritual as it had been a dream of mine for a while...
Before going to the concert Me and Abby had got into our costumes

Before going to the concert Me and Abby had got into our costumes

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This is what I looked like ☝🏼

I had bring my black bass guitar with me as it is very special to me....

"Abby! Hurry up I want to get there in time to get a good spot at the front!"

I called out to her

"I'm coming now!"
Arriving there
We both get inside and stand at the front as they play I strum my guitar at the beat trying not to be seen as the two ghouls Aether and Sodo start to have a guitar battle I started to play again....

I look up to see everyone looking at me and soon enough even The ghouls
notices me as a spotlight shines on me I get called up on stage by the Ghouls and Papa

As soon as I heard this Abby started cheering


I start to make my way up to the stage as everyone looks at me and I see Rain just staring at me....

Suddenly Swiss comes up to me and whispers in my ear

"Why don't you play them something?"

I shudder and stands at the front of the stage starting to play a Aether starts to play aswell, I look over at Sodo as he is in shock then I look at the crowd and start to smile under the mask
After the concert
I step back after playing the rest of the concert and suddenly feels a cold hand touch my back


It's Mountain as I look at him he softly chuckles and says to me
"'s only me!"

"Oh Mountain it's just you"
I reply while looking at you for a moment then he says to me

"I was wondering if you wanted to come back with us to our house?"

I look at him in disbelief for a second and go on to say

He nods and happily takes me to the others I stand there for a moment before following Mountain back to his car and gets in looking out the window while Mountain drives us to the house....

Y/n the new Ghost member 2022Where stories live. Discover now