3 Years Before Now

221 22 34

Trigger warnings include death and death and some more death and screaming but that happens at like the end so you're safe for the start :)

Henwy POV

Henwy watched the city bustle with life. Cars of all colors zipped and zoomed past. The trees were bright shades of orange, red, and gold, as if they were burning in a fire, but never died.

He was finally in America again, after a long time. The British catbrid flicked his tail, a grin on his face. His black Regulars hoodie was tied around his waist, and was wearing a Henwy shirt because he could. His mop of brown hair blew in the wind, all efforts of styling it gone. His black cat ears flicked, detecting multiple sounds of the area around him.

A shout from behind him interrupted his peace. "Henwy! Where are you? We need to get this video going otherwise it's never going to happen!"

"I'm coming Sigils!" Henwy called, "Just enjoying the view!" He walked back to his friends, the other three Regulars, and got into his usual position. The four were all alone, with nothing but cameras and phones as company. A forest green wing smacked him on the shoulder and he let out a hiss. "Careful." "Sorry Henwy," the dragonbrid replied.

Native to California, Sigils was part draconian, part human. He was six feet tall, with no hair on his head except for a well maintained beard. His baldness was covered by a black baseball cap, which he wore backwards. He wore a green shirt with gray jeans and had a white Regulars crewneck tied around his waist. Two giant forest green wings rested on his back, flecked with gold and black, with a matching tail to help with flight balance. He patted Henwy on the head and went to help Biffle with the camera.

Biffle, the other Californian, was part human, part bee. He was wearing a black Regulars t-shirt with gray sweatpants. He had a black watch on which read in Georgia time. Bee wings, large enough to fly with, were tightly folded to his body. They usually were yellow, but in the right light, would gleam like a rainbow. A golden monocle rested on his left eye, glinting in the fading sunlight. His fluffy brown hair ruffled in the light breeze and he was stroking his beard as he fiddled with some of the knobs on the camera.

Nico gave his shoulder a small squeeze. "You gonna be ok? I know you aren't a huge fan of scary things." "I'll be fine Nico," Henwy replied, patting his best friend on the back. Nico smiled at him.

Nico, a resident of Canada, was a hawkbrid, part human, part hawk. He was the tallest out of all of them, about 3 inches taller than Sigils. He wore a red Supreme hoodie with grey shorts, seemingly unaffected by the cold weather. A gray backwards baseball cap resided on his black hair. Two large hawk wings, black and silver and gold, rested on his back. A tail of the same colors helped him fly faster than everyone else. His eyes were a sharp gold color that pierced your soul.

"We got the camera figured out," Biffle called. Sigils found a rock and set the camera on it. The four assembled themselves around it, and the dragonbrid started the countdown.

"3, 2, 1."

"Hey everybody! We're the Regulars!" Sigils exclaimed. No one said anything. Biffle did a double thumbs up. "Guys," Sigils said exasperatedly, "You're supposed to be happy. You need to 'woo'." He swatted at Biffle and Nico with his tail, who ducked, laughing.

"Wait, are we required to 'woo'?" Biffle asked, standing back up. Henwy rolled his eyes with a smirk on his face. Sigils shrugged, then continued. "It's fine. But today, we're exploring an abandoned mansion house thingy. I don't know, it's massive though." "We don't have service, do we Henwy?" Biffle asked him. "Very little," the catbrid replied.

"Apparently it's actually haunted", Nico blurted, completely random with his timing.

Sigils groaned, rubbing his forehead. "Nico, why," he mumbled, but Nico was whispering something to Biffle.. Sigils shrugged at Henwy and began the next part. "But before we get into the creepy stuff, we need a few things from you. Biffle?"

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