Chapter 10 - Rose

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Trigger warnings is literally nothing 

Rose POV

The whole group, minus a few people were waiting anxiously in the hospital lobby for any news. Swift had been admitted an hour ago, Vesper had also been taken to get checked out as well since she had been in the accident as well, and Sapphire and Churro were outside with Henwy, Nico, Sigils, Biffle, and Echo.

Rose saw Esther come out from one of the doors, quietly so as not to disturb any other groups there. Pancake hurried over to xem and the two talked in quiet undertones. Esther went back in and Pancake walked back to the rest of them. "Well?" Wither asked. "She's a bit worse than we thought, not critical, but not good either. She's got a broken ankle and a couple cracked ribs."

"What about her wound?" Rory interrupted. "They said she should be fine for now. The bandages and treatment are pretty fresh, so they'll check them in a few hours," Pancake said, sitting down. Soot reached over and hugged the girl. "She'll be ok. She survived a rock slide, she can survive this." The sliding entrance door opened, causing them to look up. Churro had entered and was walking towards them.

"We've made a decision. One or two of us will stay so we can get updates on Swift and Vesper, and one can drive if needed. The rest of us are going to head back to the house to talk about important things."

"I think Esther and I will stay," Pancake said. "Alright then," Soot said, standing up. "Let's get back to the house. We've got to figure out what to do next. We'll also have to announce that Swift got injured and we have to take a break." They all trooped back to the car, leaving Pancake and Esther in the building.

The car ride home was mostly silent, other than the moody music blaring in the background. Once they got home, they all sat down to make a group plan. Churro and Soot were in charge of tweeting out the update and hiatus.

"We'll have to reschedule our flight," Sapphire said. "We can't go home without Swift. We also need to figure out accommodations for our new friends." She pointed to the Regulars and Echo. "We don't really need sleep," Sigils shrugged. "We can just stay in whoevers room. We won't invade privacy, promise."

Nico, who was sitting by Churro, said, "With that out of the way, can we talk about seeing our friends again?" The group fell silent, all of them thinking. Rory opened her mouth, then hesitated. "Go on," Wither encouraged. "Do you guys remember their phone numbers, or have a physical copy of your phones anywhere?" The four looked at each other.

"I remember Ian's, Garry's, Zud's, and Kate's," Biffle finally said. "I remember Alxton's," Sigils added. "I have Loaf's, Wisp's, Jago's, and some of Tommy's," Henwy murmured. "I remember Lookumz's and that's it," Nico said. "That's a good start," Soot sighed.

Someone knocked on the door. "I got it," Rose said. She hurried and opened the door. Vesper stood outside. "Vesper's back!" Rose shouted, helping the dragonbrid inside. Her leg was wrapped carefully, she had stitches down the side of her face, and her wings had multiple stitches to fix the tears. "Oh, I'm so glad you're ok," Willow breathed, pulling her girlfriend down next to her and giving her a hug.

"I'm ok," Vesper grinned. "What did I miss?" "We're getting the Ssundee Crew's phone numbers, or who's they remember," Wither said. "Count me in," Vesper said, pulling out her phone. They all wrote down the numbers so they could call them later.

"I think our game plan for now is: we wait for Swift to be released, then we fly back home and rest for a little bit. Then we can start contacting family and friends so we can reunite with our friends. After that, we'll figure out some other things." Rose glanced around the room. Everyone nodded assent. "If that's settled, then I'm going to explore," Biffle said, getting up and walking away through a wall. "Meeting adjourned," Willow said. Everyone except for Willow, Henwy, Rose, and Vesper left the room. "How are you all feeling about this," Rose asked them.

"It's all been a blur," Henwy admitted. "We were there for three years, and we made a lot of friends. Now I've found friends that can actually help us. It really means a lot, even if we're bound to someone else." Vesper gave Henwy a small smile, which he returned. "I agree with Henwy," Willow said. "We were just exploring, then the inside group came out with two wounded people and five ghosts and then we made three new friends and now we're here."

"To be honest, I kinda feel like a side character right now," Rose admitted. "All the Budgets got ghost friends, and they're gonna be the ones to meet the rest of the crew. I feel a little jealous." "You don't need to feel like that," Vesper said. "I think everyone's coming along, we just don't know how we're going to do it yet."

Rose smiled at the injured girl. "Thank you. I'm sorry for what happened." "Don't be," was the reply.

"Life happens."


A/N: Here's Chapter 10. I've got a few more before I need to write from scratch so yeah. I've figured out what I'd write if I did a sequel. Hope you enjoyed it!

Word count: 907

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