+ Two Years 🍃🍃

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Two years later... Eugene and Black.

Eugene is warming up with his team backstage at her performance, which is themed "Love and Hate in Society", this performance is very important as she could join a very respected theater company in Thailand. It's all or nothing.

Through the small space he has in the curtains, Eugene anxiously looks for his parents, and then smiles brightly when he sees them seated in the front row, without fail.

She soon starts looking for the next person she can't miss, she looks the first few rows and isn't surprised she doesn't find the person.

She soon casts her gaze towards the darkest part, between the last rows... bingo!

There's Black, sitting in the left corner of the second-to-last row, and he seems to immediately notice Eugene's gaze as he gives her a quick nod.

Eugene's smile soon widens when he sees her boyfriend present there to support her on that special day.

The story of Black and Eugene is longer than you can imagine, they went through many ups and downs, and in fact came to think that they would not work together.

However, even in the worst scenario, their feelings spoke louder, and both decided to give their relationship one more chance. After all, they never stopped loving each other and didn't want to waste time investing in other relationships that wouldn't bring the feeling they needed.

It was a waste of time. Theirs and whoever got involved with them.

Since then, it's been about a little over two years and luckily, the two are still together and doing well. Eugene's parents approve of the relationship and both are already making plans to buy a house to live together.


After breaking up with Eugene, Gram eventually drifted away from the other guys in the gang. In fact, it was something that happened naturally because, soon, each member was focusing on their own business.

He got an internship in another city and ended up moving. He still has a lot of contact with Gumpa and Yok, but his friendship with Sean and White has cooled, and he no longer speaks to Black and Eugene.

The guys don't know about the slap he gave Eugene, she decided not to tell about it, and so it was.

Gumpa met a woman named Tina and started dating, soon he renovated a house above the garage and moved in with her.

Tina is about four years older than Gumpa and has a 5-year-old son from her previous relationship. They live well and are engaged.

White and Sean are still in the relationship and rented a house about a year ago. They also came to have a good relationship with White's family, despite the differences that still exist.

The two opened a business selling materials, small but progressing.
When they are really in a good financial situation and have a home of their own, they intend to adopt a child. Who knows two!

Dan and Yok...

Yok traveled out of the country because of a good study proposal he received to improve his art even more.

He decided to go for him, for his mother and also for Dan who had insisted so much that he not let such an opportunity go.

There he also took the opportunity to teach drawing to children and with the money, he helped his mother from a distance.

He and Dan talk every day and video call whenever they can.

At first Yok was nervous about how his relationship with Dan would survive the distance, he was afraid of many things, like if something happens to Dan and he can't be there...

But his friends were also very important in this process, especially Gumpa who always reassures Yok about how Dan is doing and also his mother.

Dan as planned, moved to another state along with his parents and there he decided to leave his past in the police really behind.

He bought a nice big country house with a big garden and animals, he always liked the countryside and a quieter and quieter climate.

With his parents, he opened a Thai restaurant that is very successful in the place and he even takes care of the aesthetic part of the place. Many of his paintings decorate the environment.

He's also decided to go to art college and as expected, he's loving the course!

As an experience of reunion with himself, Dan feels without a doubt, in one of the best phases of his life, even from afar this can be clearly seen.

He actually never would have imagined feeling this way, seeing as he is approaching his 40s.

He used to think being a cop was all he was going to be, there was nothing left after that.
But today he realizes that being a police officer was a small part of his life, an important part that taught him a lot. But it's definitely not all that it's going to be.

He also learned to speak in pounds, in order to better communicate with Yok's mother. Dan and Yok's mother get along great and she knows and completely supports their relationship.

Yok and Dan made sure to get everything sorted out before his trip two years ago.

And after all this time apart, Yok is finally returning to Thailand, to his mother, Dan and their friends.

What even Dan can't imagine, is that in fact Yok has already returned to his country, has already found his mother and also his friends.

Along with his mother, Yok is boarding to Dan and his parents' house. It will be a nice surprise for sure.


On a sunny Saturday, Dan is in his garden watching and watering the plants. It's around 7 am.

He wears a denim bib and a straw hat.

He squats down to better observe a mangosteen tree he planted a while ago, neither he nor his parents like it very much. But he knows very well who loves this fruit.

Slowly and silently observing the plant, Dan can't help but think about the person who made him choose to plant that fruit.

Until suddenly, he hears a very... familiar voice?

Yok: Dan!

Frozen for a moment, Dan couldn't answer the call. Could it really be The Person he was thinking of at that very moment?

Dan was still for a moment until he got up, and slowly turned around and with his eyes he could see what his ears were telling him.

Their eyes and Yok's eyes meet again, they meet like the night they met and they looked at each other through the fire, they meet like when they looked at each other at night in a park, like when there was a gun between them, they meet like when they were in an abandoned tunnel.

More than that, they find themselves like when Yok painted her naked body in her no longer secret hiding place.

That look, that touch, that different feeling. A different good...

They look at each other for a few seconds that seem like an eternity, there are so many things in that look.

Dan: Yok...

Yok: I'm back, to stay!

To be continued...

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