Bad End

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*Miss P's pov*

Of course it had to be the Snoglecrak, they are very viscous and carry a deadly acid. They are the hairy beasts that hate the rain or any source of water. Actually it aggros them and for Boat to run into one is unfortunately by itself. They hunt relentlessly and can run for a solid 12 hours without rest, food, or drink. Blood is their main drink and they drain the entire body before eating to satisfy both it's needs.

"Polly flame it." I said as Polly blew a fire onto Boat's leg and I already shoved a cloth into his mouth as I heard his muffled crying. I also cut off blood flow with a rope, but more then half his leg is already gone. He's lost too much blood, and probably won't wake up for a while once this is done however for now I need to wake him up because of the concussion.

I looked at Boat and continued to tap him then forcefully opened his eyes finally getting him to sort of wake up he was going to close them again until I put a small cold stone on his head and he gave a muffled groan.

"I need you to stay awake at least to drink this. It's important you do for your own survival." I said holding up a glass of tea and I removed the rag as Boat breathed. It was a moment, but I got him to gently drink the tea. He gave a grossed look, but at least I know he'll be ok especially with the tea's healing properties.

".... Polly get me the axe from the incomplete ship." I said and Polly looked at me and I looked at them and they gave a nod understanding leaving. I heard David try to call out to Polly, but he went quiet again.

I looked back at Boat who was passed out again and this time I won't wake him up. A little bit of time passed and David sounded slightly distressed as Polly came back in. David came in as well to look at us.

"Why the heck do you need an axe!?" David said worry in his eyes and his eyes red obviously from crying.

"David can you please leave." I said and David gave an angry look.

"Why the hell do you need an axe!? He'll be fine right?" David started angry, but then gave a sad and desperate look.

I got up and walked over to him. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he looked up at me trying to see if the answer was not what he was thinking. However he soon gave a sadder face and a slightly angry one knowing my face said this was the only way.

Polly escorted him out as I grabbed the axe and walked over and then raised it. I sighed as I closed my eyes then opened them as I took the swing.

*3rd person*

A scream can be heard as David grabbed Polly and hugged them. Miss P immediately started to work on bandages, as she finished she grabbed a cloth and wrapped up the leg taking it with her after making sure Boat was resting again with a blanket over him and pillow under his head.

Miss P walked out and looked at David who looked at her face. And Miss P sighed as she made the gesture for him to go see Boat and he let go of Polly and went in to see Boat.

Miss P walked away to a far away place and had Polly light the cloth on fire burning anything that was left. Miss P sighed as she looked at Polly.

"They were never ready for this. They may be strong, but the demon books too much for them..." Miss P said and Polly nodded as the two of them went back to where David and Boat were.

David fell asleep and Miss P left Polly with them as she left to clean herself off and continue the airship much faster. She needed to get the boys to a safer place then the cave. The airship will do and she needs to finish it.

For the next couple of days Boat was unconscious. David barely eat as his worry was eating at him as he watched Boat. He wouldn't leave his side and he refused to unless it was to go to the bathroom, but with less food and water he didn't go out much until finally Miss P finished the airship.

She came back over and usually she would be every very cheerful, but she wasn't. Not this time, this was different. She walked over to David and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Let's take Boat somewhere safe and more comfortable then here." Miss P said and David looked at her.

"Where the fuck would we take him?" David asked giving a slightly pissed look, but he sighed dropping it as he looked back at Boat unconscious.

"I'll show you." Miss P said and David sighed and nodded as Miss P was gentle when picking up Boat and carried him, holding his body close while he was sleeping.

While traveling David was quiet. He didn't even complain when Polly made herself comfortable on his head. After a while they got to the airship and Miss P smiled as she started walking. David looked in awe at the airship then looked at Miss P as he then ran to catch up with her.

"You built this!?" David asked getting close

"Indeed the village over there happily gave me supply's" Miss P said cheerfully as she walked across the bridge to get to the ship.

"Why do I feel like that's not the case and you raided the entire place." David said giving a sceptical glare

"Oh~ don't worry your head about it ice boi." Miss P said as she walked to a door and gestured to David who came over and opened it.

"Anyways I'll show you the rooms. This is the dinning area next this is my office. Down here is the kitchen and right behind this door is where you and Boat will be." Miss P said as David opened the door and walked in looking around.

"Actual beds huh." David said, he's lost a lot of his fire after what happened to Boat.

"Don't worry frosty, water boi will be ok. Mentally I'm not sure, this will be rough. but I'm sure over time we'll recover. You guys always do."
Miss P laid Boat down and David sat down and huffed

"Ya.... I geuss your right." It wasn't long before Miss P got David to lay down and fall asleep. she went upstairs with a small smile then looked at Polly

"Polly, let's make something for Boat."

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