Chapter 4: Training

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Shino Asada's POV

After a long day, I finally began to walk out the gates. When I exited the gates I noticed the same exact Nissan GTR that sat at the front of the school every day. I always wondered who's vehicle it is. If they own such a car, they had to of been pretty well off. As I stood next to the car, looking at the interior through the window I heard my name get called from behind.

"Hey Shino, what are you doing?" I stood up, turning to face the voice. The voice belonged to a boy with h/c hair and e/c eyes. It was Y/n, "Ah, Y/n! I was just wondering who's car this was. I've seen it here almost everyday but I never seen anyone get in it." He raised an eyebrow, reaching in his pocket and pulling out a key fob. The doors suddenly unlocked. "Guess you just met him then. Need a ride?" I sweat drop as I shake my head, "N-No thanks, I wouldn't want to inconvenience you."

He would walk over to me, stepping past me and opening the car door. He looked to me and gestured for me to get in, "Don't worry, I don't mind. I wouldn't want soemthing happening to you, especially after today." I froze for a few seconds, debating if I really wanted to get in. After a few seconds I sighed and began to get in. It was rather comfortable inside. "Thank you." I muttered as Y/n closed the door and went around before opening the door and getting in the driver seat.

"No need to thank me, it's the least I could do for you after what happened today. So, where do you live if I may ask?" I would lean close and begin to type in my address for my apartment. Within seconds directions were pulled up and I smiled at Y/n. "There you go." He would look at the GPS before pulling off onto the road and starting to drive.

It was silent for a bit, at least until he broke the silence, "Hey Shino. This may sound a bit weird, but do you by chance own an AmuSphere?" I looked at him for a few seconds before turning to look out the window. People were walking down the streets and cars were beside us and behind us. "Yeah, I do. I play mainly games that involves shooting though." He turned his head to look at me.

"Like Gun Gale Online by chance?" I turned my head quickly to look at him, a bit surprised at the fact he managed to hit the nail right on the head. "Y-Yeah, as well as ALO and what not. Where did this come from?" He put his eyes back on the road as he pressed on the gas gently and accelerated to the posted speedlimit. "Well, I thought you're voice sounded pretty similar to me. So I just decided to ask. You're Sinon, right? I'm U/n, the new guy you met yesterday."

I blinked a few times before my eyes widened a little, "Wait, really?! So you mean the guy who saved me is the same guy who I'll be teaching the ropes of GGO to?" He nodded, resulting in a sigh from me. This was both such a coincidence and also really really nice. I thought out of the entire group, I was the only one to go to a normal Highschool. So I'm glad to know I at least will have someone to speak to again.

"Well, I guess we live in quite a small world then, huh?" I gave a small laugh, smiling at him. He would reply with a simple, "It would seem that way." I then proceeded to return  to looking out my window as we drove along.


Y/n's POV

It has been a bit since I got on GGO now. Once I dropped off Shino I stopped by a store and picked up the game ALO. Shino said she played it and recommended I check it out if I'm into VRMMORPG's. So I did, but for right now I'll keep my focus on getting the hang of GGO at the second.

"This isn't a safe zone, so I set up some traps for when players try to come after us. If they do, that is. But in the meantime, I want you to focus on trying to find the targets I set up for you. Use your binoculars and keep searching, let me know when you find one." I looked back at her, letting my Barrett rest on it's bi-pod. It's a damn good thing I don't have to worry about carrying around a large case for it. That would be a pain in my ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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