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"So," Bronte sighed, glancing around the restaurant as the awkward silence consumed us. "You brought me here to talk. Talk."

"I'm thinking about what to say," I retaliated, as the waiter set the food down on the table between us. Spaghetti bolognese for me and chicken pesto pené for Bronte. She did love Italian food. "Thank you," I said as the waiter walked away.

Bronte picked up a fork and began eating her pasta. Her eyes stayed trained on my face, as I took my time placing a napkin in my lap. "You're stalling," she observed. "Just get to the point, Lemon. I have things to do."

"Oh, I'm sure you do," I said with a mischievous chuckle. "That's actually what I wanted to talk about."

Bronte looked confused. She set her fork on her plate and leaned back in her chair, giving me her full attention. "I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that," she said with an exaggerated sigh. "If you want to talk about this, then why isn't Tang here as well?"

I shrugged. "I know where Tangerine stands." Bronte seemed impatient, so I got to the point. "But I don't know where you are with all of this."

"All of what, Lemon?"

"You know what." I sighed, not wanting to have to explain everything. "You and my brother have something going on."

Bronte nodded. "I guess you could say that." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Why do we need to talk about it?"

"Because I want to know that you're both making the right choice." She made her confusion pretty obvious. "I mean, I know you both like each other, but are you thinking about everything?" She still seemed confused. "Won't it be weird working together? And what about the future? Our line of work doesn't exactly support happy couples wanting to raise a family."

Bronte glared at me. "You don't think it's a good idea." I sighed, shaking my head ever-so-slightly. "I'm not a good idea?"

"No!" I said, much too loud for the small restaurant. "No. If we were in any other situation you two would be perfect together." I let out a heavy sigh. "But we're not, and I don't believe you're willing to abandon your career for this. Are you?"

Bronte shrugged. "I haven't really thought about it." She picked up the cup of water in front of her and took a small sip. "But I think I would if it was necessary." She shot me a pointed look. "But, at this point, it's not."

I sighed. This conversation wasn't getting anywhere. Bronte was dodging every one of my questions with a vague response that answered nothing. Maybe this conversation was pointless. Maybe I shouldn't have interfered in my brother's relationship. But, I couldn't help it. Tangerine was the most important person in my life and all I wanted was for him to be happy. Bronte made him happy. For now.

"I don't want you to think I don't approve of you—I do." Bronte raised an eyebrow. She didn't believe me. "You're one of my best friends, Bronte. You and Tangerine are the most important people in my life." I sent her a reassuring smile, before continuing. "I really do want you two to work out. I just want you to think about the future and make sure you're making the right decision, okay?"

Bronte stared at me, seemingly unable to respond. She looked like she was actually thinking about what I had said, but all I could focus on was the fact that she didn't look angry. She looked like she understood where I was coming from.

"Okay," she said slowly, leaning her elbows on the table. "Obviously, I don't plan to do this job forever. At some point, I will settle down." She raised her eyebrows questioningly. "Is that what you want to hear?"

I shook my head. "I don't want you to explain this to me. I want you and Tangerine to talk about it together." I mirrored her position, resting my elbows on the table, too. "There's a lot you have to think about that normal people don't. I just want you to keep that in mind."

She nodded. "Okay." She picked up her fork again and took a bite of pasta. "I know what you're really worried about, Lemon." I quirked an eyebrow at her, also digging into my meal. "And I promise you that I will never hurt Tangerine." Her eyes shone with sincerity. "That's the last thing I want to do."

"Okay." I shot her a smile which she returned. We fell silent as we continued eating. It wasn't awkward though; it was comfortable. We were good friends and we felt completely at ease in each other's company.

When we left the restaurant, we walked in silence. The hotel we were staying at was only a ten minute walk away and I could tell Bronte was anxious to get back. Tangerine had watched us leave for dinner, obvious confusion on his face. Bronte and I were close, but we rarely hung out just the two of us. Tangerine was the glue holding the group together.

"Hey," I greeted my brother as we walked into the hotel room. Tangerine was sitting on the couch, watching a news program on the television. "We brought you dinner."

Tangerine nodded gratefully, but his attention wasn't focused on me. He was smiling at the woman beside me, an excited twinkle in his eyes. "Thanks, man." He stood up and walked towards us. I just ducked into the small kitchen, putting the takeaway container in. the fridge. "Hey, Bronte."

I tried not to eavesdrop as they conversed quietly, but it proved to be quite difficult. I smiled to myself as I closed the fridge turning back to face my friends. Tangerine had his arms around Bronte as he embraced her. He rested his head atop hers, while she leaned against his chest. I shot him a smile. His eyes were open, watching me and he reciprocated

With a nod, I headed into my bedroom, ready to call it a night. We were flying to Washington D.C. the next day for an important mission and I wanted to be on my a-game.

A/N: Do you think Lemon is justified in interfering with Bronte and Tangerine's relationship? Do you think his concern and love for them make it okay? Let me know.

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