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The Cobra

With the briefcase safely stashed and Ladybug unconscious in the first class lounge, I headed back down the train towards my car. I had no interest in interacting with the Twins, although if the opportunity presented itself to give Tangerine a good sock in the face, I would not turn it down. But if they were after the case too, they would probably come after me the second they found out I was on board.

I headed down the aisle, passing through at least ten different cars until I reached car 3. The train would be arriving at Oniya Station in about ten minutes, and I didn't want to spend another second on this goddamn train.

The door hissed open as I entered the car. I made my way down to the middle, where I knew the Twins were seated with another man. But when I reached their seats, they were empty. They were probably searching for the case. Even though the Twins were nowhere to be found, the other man was seated by the window, his head resting against the glass, with his hood pulled up and a pair of ridiculous momomon glasses covering his eyes.

I leaned towards him, noticing a concerning red tint to his cheeks, as if his skin was stained. I tapped him on the shoulder gently but he didn't respond. Curious, I gently shook his arm in case he was asleep. He still didn't respond. So, with.a quick scan of the car to make sure no one was nearby, I reached down and removed the cardboard glasses.

I gasped in shock at the sight before me. The red I had seen was as I suspected: a stain. But I had not anticipated what might have caused the stain. It was blood. Dried blood congealed around his eyes, ending abruptly above his nose, like someone had tried to scrub it away. His eyes were closed, but his lashes were coded in blood. He was definitely dead.

I quickly placed the glasses back on his face and pushed him against the window. An inconspicuous position, as to any onlooker he would appear to be sleeping. I quickly stepped back, deciding to head back down to the first class lounge, since I knew the Twins weren't down that way. I would have an easy shot at getting off the train at Oniya Station.

I power-walked back down the train, crossing my fingers that Ladybug would still be out. The last thing I needed was him trying to get the case back right before we reached Oniya. The door slid open to the first class lounge and I entered the lavish car. The Wolf was still laying on the chair where I had left him. But my heart dropped slightly at the floor where Ladybug should have been.

This was the first car so he couldn't have gone anywhere, otherwise I would've seen him on my way back. I glanced nervously around the room, searching for a possible hiding place he could be in. The room was silent and nothing jumped out at me, so I made my way into the kitchen, holding my knife ready in case I was ambushed. I wasn't.

"Now arriving at Oniya Station. Doors will open on the left."

"Shit," I cursed under my breath, the feeling of the train's brakes dragging against the rails, making the car shake slightly. I quickly opened the trash panel and sighed in relief when the train sticker on the handle came into view. The briefcase was still there. No one had found it and I could finally get off this bloody train!

I grabbed it and quickly made my way over to the door. The brakes were screeching now and I could see the station platform outside the window. I stood by the sliding door, tapping my foot impatiently as the train slowed to a halt. As soon as the train stopped fully I entered the gangway, but a familiar face was blocking my path to the platform. Ladybug.

"Shit," I said again, this time louder. The man just grinned, crossing his arms over his chest, as if he was going to berate me somehow. "Get out of my way or you'll end up like the Wolf." It satisfied me to see the nervous expression that graced his features for a split second, before he composed himself. He was at least slightly scared of me, which made me smirk ever so slightly.

"I just wanted to thank you," he started, leaning his shoulder against the wall like he had all the time in the world. "I didn't realise how much I needed that nap." He winked at me with a cheeky gleam in his eyes, before he became serious. "I need that." He nodded to the briefcase in my tight grasp. "So why don't you just give it to me and save yourself the trouble of having to hold onto it all the way to Kyoto?"

I raised an eyebrow at him as if to say seriously? "I'm not going to Kyoto," I said, glancing down at my watch. Thirty seconds until the doors closed. I had to get him to move. "I'm getting off here."

I tried to push past him, but he wouldn't move. He was only a few centimetres taller than me, but he was a lot stronger. "I'm afraid I can't let you go," he said, shaking his head in a feigned apology. "I need that case."

"A lot of people need this case apparently," I muttered in irritation. Fifteen seconds. There was no way I was getting off the train now. "Just fucking move!"

"Woah," he chuckled, just as the doors hissed shut. "Oops. Guess you'll just have to wait until Sendai." He put his hand on my shoulder, as if to reassure m e. "My bad."

He headed back into the next car, leaving me by the door In a fit of fury. "Fuck you!" I called out after him, not caring if other people heard me. I was so pissed I could have killed him right then and there, but I couldn't risk leaving anymore bodies on the train. If someone noticed them the train would be stopped and I would never make it to Sendai. The feeling of regret for not killing earlier when I had the chance stuck in my brain as I headed back into the lounge and stuffed the case back in its initial hiding spot.

I decided to make my way to the other end of the train. I wanted to know where Lemon, Tangerine and Ladybug were so I could avoid them. The Twins were in their seats as I headed through car 3. I didn't stop or say anything, obviously. I just darted past them and continued into the next car.

When I reached car 1, I hadn't seen Ladybug. Where the hell is he? I had checked carefully in all of the cars and there was no sign of him. The only possible explanation was that he was hiding out in a toilet in one of the gangways. Honestly, based on his behaviour since Tokyo, I wouldn't have put it past him.

I entered the last car. It was like a storage room with cupboards and a kitchen. There were a few carts against the wall. It was the room where the train attendants kept the food and drinks. I passed through into the room at the back of the Hayate. It was a small back room with two seats, two doors and large windows on the back wall-some sort of viewing room. There was no one there, so I quickly left, heading back to car 3.

A/N: Which Thomas the Tank Engine train are you? I would say I'm more of a Gordon. I like to take the lead sometimes, but I also don't do too well with listening to others.

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