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The Cobra

The Hayate pulled out of Tokyo Station shortly after I stepped on board. I had approximately ten minutes to find this suitcase before it arrived at Ueno Station. If I didn't make it off the train, I would have to wait until Oniya Station, and I did not want that. So I had to hurry.

The view outside the window was dark for a split second, before the train exited the underground tunnel and emerged out into the city. The bright lights of the busy metropolis reflected against the crystal clear windows, cast a neon glow into the car.

I stood up from my seat, apologising as I squeezed past the man sitting beside me. He didn't seem to notice though. He had a wide-brimmed hat rested over his face and he appeared to be sleeping. His soft snores were barely audible over the sound of the train.

I stepped into the gangway I had entered through. Car 3 was on the other side and I had been informed that the suitcase belonged to someone in there. As I peered into the car, a man entered from the gangway at the other end. He quickly walked towards me, an air of urgency about him that I didn't fail to see.

He looked rather guilty, his bucket hat and black-framed glasses, reminding me of someone who would most definitely have been bullied at school. He approached me, slowing down when he noticed me in the doorway.

"Excuse me," he muttered lowly, his gaze on my feet, as if he was unable to look at me. He nodded his head past me. "Can I get past?"

I nodded, feeling kind of bad for him. I stepped back into the gangway, letting him pass me. He immediately ran to the baggage rack, and I watched out of my periphery. He seemed suspicious. As dorky and nervous as he looked, he seemed like had an agenda, with his phone held up to his ear in a tight grip

He rummaged through the bags in the luggage rack briefly, before reaching all the way to the back of the shelf, pulling out a silver, hard shell briefcase. My eyes widened in recognition. He held it to his chest, examining the top and I immediately knew what he was searching for: a train sticker on the handle.

He seemed satisfied, so I took it that it was the right case; the one I was also looking for. So, I knew where it was. Now I just had to steal it from him. Seemed simple enough.

He turned around, and I completely forgot that I was staring. He looked surprised and confused. He took a step towards me, as if he was going to head back into car 3.

"You okay?" He asked, subtly trying to move the case behind his back. He sidestepped towards me and I moved out of his way. He seemed relieved and immediately rushed past me. "Thank you."

I hung back for a few moments, before following after him. I made my way through the car, stopping when a loud, obnoxious voice cut through the murmuring chatter like a knife.

"It was seventeen, godammit! I wanna fuckin' strangle you!"

I whipped around to face the three people, seated at a table about halfway down the car, an obvious glare on my face. If I hated one thing most in the world it was people swearing unnecessarily loud in public. There was a decent number of children in the car and he didn't seem to care in the slightest.

I pinpointed the man who had spoken. He was dressed in a fancy three-piece suit, his shoulder-length dark hair and moustache were clearly styled. He looked annoyed, but the other man across from him was chuckling in amusement. My eyes widened in recognition as the man glanced in my direction. I looked at him for a fleeting moment, then slipped away before he could get a decent look at my face.

It was just my luck. I would recognise those two anywhere. The Twins. The exact twins I was worried about running into on this train. Tangerine and Lemon. I had worked with them a few years back. I'd even been pretty good friends with them once.

But Tangerine—the one who had spoken—was honestly a piece of shit. He had left me for dead on our last job, choosing to save his own skin and get the asset instead of helping me. I had never forgiven him and we hadn't crossed paths since. Until fucking now.

The fact that he was on this train only increased my nerves ten fold. He was either the owner of the case, or he was trying to get it, like me. Either way, we were competitors and he was not an easy man to outwit.

Remembering my prior concern, I turned back to face the end of the car. The man with the case had just disappeared into the next car as the loudspeaker crackled overhead.

"We are now pulling into Ueno Station. Doors will open on the left."

I rushed after him as he entered the next car. He was beginning to hurry; he must have heard the announcement as well. When he made it to the gangway before the first class lounge, he stopped, waiting by the door as the train slowed down.

I waited just outside the gangway, ready to follow him out onto the platform as soon as the doors opened. But when the door hissed open he didn't exit the train. Instead, a tall man in a white suit stepped inside, immediately grabbing him and pulling him into the next car.

I sighed in contempt. How many contractors are on this train?

A/N: Who was your favourite character In the film? Other than Tangerine, of course ;).

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