Through the trap door

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Thank you so much for 1k reads! And 100 votes! That was my goal and I've finally reached it. Love you all!

Percy's Pov

The morning after reading the prophecy, me and Annabeth went to the library and researched everything we could to understand the prophecy. We researched about the previous Wizarding wars but that might have all been a waste of time as we don't know what war is at it's brink. The next day, (today) we researched Poseidon and Athena, as allegedly I'm the son of Poseidon and she's the daughter of Athena.

All I've found out about Poseidon so far is that he's the Brother of Zeus, one of the big three Greek gods, he's the king of the sea so he like controls waves and stuff and he and Athena really don't like each other.

"Athena is known for her skill in crafts, especially spinning and weaving" Annabeth tells me "She's also really smart, so she is basically the Goddess of wisdom".
"Explains how nerdy you are" I say "ooo wait she's the goddess of wisdom so I'll call you wise girl".
"Ok seaweed brain" She says laughing.
"Hey I called you smart and you call me dumb!" I say "that's so mean".
"No, let's face it you called me a nerd not smart" She says "there's a difference".

We continued researching for a bit until I heard Hermione say "you're reading about the Greek gods?!" She asks "that book is so fascinating, I read it earlier this year!".
"Yeah!" Annabeth says "it's really interesting".
"Anyway I just overheard Harry say that he and Ron are going down the trapdoor tonight" She says "did you hear that they had a detention last night for staying up past curfew and apparently Hagrid had a dragon!".
"Wait really!" I ask.
"Yeah" she answers.

Hermione sits down with us at the table by the book shelves and we discuss our plans for tonight.

"Hermione you go down with Harry and Ron" Annabeth tells her "They'll let you be friends with them again, plus they'll know that they need someone as smart as you".
"Thank you" Hermione says happy about the compliment.
"Yeah, only one of us can go down invisible" I say "and unlike you, I can't just say 'hey Harry? Want to be friends?'".
"Yeah Percy you can go down invisible and I'll stay behind, I need to finish some homework anyway" She tells me.
That was a lie, she needed to continue researching more about the prophecy, more specifically the Greek Gods.
"Ok, let's do this" I say.

Hermione's POV

I walked up to Harry and Ron who I found in the common room, I didn't want to be friends with them again so soon but I really had no choice.
"Back so soon?" Harry says in a tone that really pisses me off "I thought you wanted some space?".
"I did and I got it" I say "I'm sorry for storming off it was stupid, you're right".

That really hurt me ego to say.

"Yeah it was" Says Ron.
"Girls" Harry muttered to Ron.
I clenched my teeth but didn't say anything.
"We're going down the trap tonight if you want to come, or do you want more space?" He says.
"Yeah I'll come" I answer.

Annabeth's Pov

I would've gone with Percy and Hermione to the trap door but I really do need to find out more about my parentage and Percy's. I want to research about demigods and all of that. I should have researched them long ago but we've been putting it off in disbelief that we actually are demigods, but when Hecate another Greek deity gives you a whole new batch of evidence, you have to believe her.

Percy and me just hung out in the library for ages, because we wanted Hermione to know where we are so she can give us more information whenever necessary. Researching and researching nonstop got quite boring so we looked up rude words in the dictionary instead.

noun: masturbation; plural noun: masturbations
stimulation of the genitals with the hand for sexual pleasure.
"a desire to engage in masturbation".

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