A wand, a pen, a sword and wait- I'm a horse?!

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Cyclops... another monster/creature in Greek mythology. What is going on? We had done more research over the period of two weeks and found out that a demigod is the child of a human and a god, there are many in the stories like Hercules, the kid of Zeus and a human. But that cyclops said I am a demigod, that can't be right... there is nothing godly about me. I can barely read, I can't focus and I was the punching bag of bullies for most of my life. Like I said, there is absolutely nothing godly about me.

Thankfully, nobody had seen or heard what happened with the cyclops. If they did, I think that fury and that Hades guy would not be impressed and would maybe kind of kill me? I hope that doesn't happen! I'm getting sidetracked here, anyway the electrical storm is finally happening! After a whole two weeks of saying 'Amato Animo Animato Animagus' something finally happened. We ran to a secret room which we found in the castle, where we hid the phial and when we arrived we saw the blood red potion.

"What do we do with it?" I asked.
"Drink it, obviously" Annabeth joked and we both drank the potion which was absolutely vile.
I pointed my wand at my heart and said the incarnation again and again until I felt an intense second heart beat and my animagus form appeared in my mind. A horse? With wings? A Pegasus? It had my sea green eyes which I kind of expected, but what I didn't expect was the colour of the mane of my animagus, which was also a sea green colour. The rest of the fur was pure white.

And then I transformed. I stretched my new wings, it felt weird but it made me feel kind of powerful, I don't know why. I looked over to Annabeth or an owl. An owl with her striking grey eyes that seemed to glow in the dim light and feathers the colour of pebbles on a beach.

She stretched her wings and flew around the room, then she turned back into her human self and said "that. Was. Awesome".

I wanted to also try flying around but due to the massive size difference, I would just crash into the walls. I transformed back without much difficulty then tried transforming to my animagus form again to test my ability. When I was back human again, I picked up my wand and asked Annabeth "you want to try this outside?".
"Hell yeah" she agreed.

And that is how we spent the rest of the day, flying around the forbidden forest, messing about.

Time skip to the next day:

Today is the first quidditch match, Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Personally, I wanted to skip it and just do the same as I did yesterday, today. But I knew that's how I make every Slytherin hate me. I'm also going to have to put up with my brother's show off personality. But when it got around ¾ of the way through the match, I was suddenly glad that I went. Harry's broom was being jinxed by no doubt, Professor Quirrell. Why do I accuse him of that? Well one, he's creepy and two, I could see him muttering something without breaking eye contact with Harry. At this point, my brother is at risk of dying which isn't very good. I mean, sure I hate him but I don't want him to die...
"Quirrell" was all I needed to say for both me and Annabeth, to jump out of our seats and go up the stairs of the Slytherin stand, only to find Hermione Granger already there.

"What are you two doing here" she hissed at us "I knew it, you're helping Snape!"
"What has Snape got to do with this?!" I whispered in a yelling kind of tone.
"He's Jinxing Harry's broom and you're are here to help him, aren't you?!" She accused us.
"If you were as clever as everyone claims, you would know that it wasn't Snape jinx the broom" Annabeth said to Hermione "but Quirrell, now move aside or your friend might just not make it".
Hermione took an immediate hit to her ego but growled and stepped aside.
"Silencio" Annabeth said pointing her wand at Quirrell and the effect was immediate, Harry's broom stopped shaking and shooting in random directions and Quirrell was now confused as to why he could no longer talk.
"See" I said to an astonished Hermione.
"It wasn't Snape... wait- why was he muttering something without breaking eye contact then?!" She said still holding onto her hope of being right.
"Counter curse" Annabeth simply replied.
"Ohhh" she said but then she seemed to realise something... "maybe it isn't Snape trying to get past that 3 headed dog..." she muttered to herself.
"3 headed dog?!" I asked wondering what the heck she's talking about.
"Uh... 3 headed dog?! I meant... I meant. Actually it's none of your business" she said, attempting to sound unbothered by the whole situation and that the fact that she thinks seeing a 3 headed dog isn't a big deal.
"No I think this is my business now" I told her "since we both know that something weird is going on, if you tell me what you saw, we'll both be closer to finding out what the heck is going on"
"Alright fine, but only because you helped save my friend" she agreed, emphasising the 'helped'. I think another reason she's telling us is because she now has no way out of telling us. She'd already revealed the 3 headed dog. "After our first flying lesson, the staircases moved ant took me, Harry and Ron to the 3rd floor. We saw filches cat and ran to a room with a lock, before Filch could see us. I opened the door with a simple spell but then we realised there is a 3 headed dog and under it was a trapdoor... I don't know what it's guarding but it has to be something serious and either Snape or Quirrell is after it... I think he is after whatever that package was that Hagrid took from the vault you and Harry visited".
"I take it back, you are clever" Annabeth admits "well anyway, I want to go watch the game so bye I guess".
"If you find out what was in that package, tell me" She said "why do you care about Harry anyway?"
"I grew up with him, I still care even though he doesn't" I admit.
She seems confused by this.
"Harry says your a horrible person" she says "but I don't see how"

When we arrived back at our seats, we were just in time to see Harry choking. Seriously, we save him from his broom being jinxed and he still finds another way to die! Then the snitch comes out of his mouth.
"Harry Potter catches the snitch" The Commentator (Lee Jordan) said ecstatically "Gryffindor wins with 170 points!".

All the Slytherins, excluding myself and Annabeth, now had their faces in their palms as they complained. Personally, I didn't really care who won. Obviously I didn't really like Harry winning but I wouldn't want Slytherin to win either, considering the way they played. The players had kicked the Gryffindor players and attempted to knock them off their broom. I don't know if the stunt they pulled with making Wood fall onto the floor from quite a great height, was deliberate or not but if it was that's even worse.

I ignored Harry's smirk at me as he was cheered for by the Gryffindor players, and I left the stand.

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