Chapter 22 | Moonlight alley

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"A large moonlight alley then."

I watched as Diluc reluctantly prepared the drink, and as Kaeya watched him with amusement glimmering in his eyes.

"And another for me-" Kaeya started, but was interrupted by Diluc placing a large mug of what looked like grape juice Infront of him. Kaeya frowned, observing the liquid like an alchemist inspection test subjects.

"This isn't moonlight alley," he noted.

"You've had enough alcohol."

I saw a hint of a smile on Kaeya's face as he looked at the juice. "But I wanted moore-"

"I'll throw you out."

"Can't I at least get a water-" Another glare.

"Don't disrespect grape juice."

I wondered if they were siblings. They looked nothing alike, but the way they act around each other and their banter made me think of the kids in snezhnaya and how they'd fight among themselves.

Must be nice.

As I was gulping down the moonlight alley like a camel drinking water after  weeks, someone else sat next to me with a grin. Kaeya had been taken home by the goth nun I had seen before, and Diluc was still making drinks.

"I haven't seen you here before," he started.

He had a white shirt and green cape on, his legs covered in white stockings and shorts, the look complete with the green hat on top. He had a lyre with him, and an air of mystery about.

"A bard?"

He bowed, and looked up at me with a contagious grin. "Venti the bard. And you are?"

"Sora. A traveller."

Was that what we were going with? Oh well.

"Would you like to hear a tune?"

"Hey, if you're gonna play, play for us too," a drunk man slurred, raising his mug filled with some kind of alcohol at him.

"Yes, yes."

The bard walked up to the center of the tavern, surrounded by drunkards urging him to go on.

The soft tunes made me feel like I was basking in the warmth of the sun under the shade of an enormous tree, the wind playfully twirling my hair about. It felt like sunshine and summer rain, almost bittersweet. A truly captivating tone.

"How was it?" He asked, coming up to me.

"That was beautiful." I couldn't help smiling at his eager face.

"Master Diluc, one bottle of wine-"

Diluc shot him a glare, and he shut up.

"I'll pay with a song?" He winked and the glare directed at him deepened. The room seemed to grow warmer as a deep rooted rage embraced it.

I almost saw the phoenix coming out.

"Ehe-" Venti made a beeline to the door, and I saw him get a bottle from one of the people at another table.

Diluc sighed as venti smiled at him, chugging the bottle as he did so.

There was a commotion about one adventure telling stories about the time he spent in dragonspine and the monsters he encountered there. Some cheered him on as venti played a gentle tune. The atmosphere was welcoming and it felt comfortable to be there. I heard someone sit next on the seat venti had just left unoccupied, and felt a cool breeze as they did so.

"Having fun?" A voice I'd recognise anywhere.


"So, I gather that you have enough information now?" He didn't meet my gaze, rather, he avoided it altogether. His  tone was borderline sarcastic, and an attempt to sound indifferent.

"Where did you go?"

"That's not something you should concern yourself with, Kurimiya-san."

It wasn't like he had yelled at me, or told me that our contract was over. It wasn't, at least not until Aya-chan was safe.

But I wonder why, then, did it bother me so much.

"So now you're saying it's none of my business?"

"I didn't.."

"You did. Why did you tag along, then? I could have done this by myself."

"I went to clear my head," he finally said, pulling my drink to his side.

"And clearly that didn't work."

"I-" he sighed. "Let's just focus on what we came to do for now."

"Yes, let's do that," I agreed, taking my drink from him. "You should have done this from the very start. Don't come after me. I'd like to work alone, and it seems like you prefer that too." I chugged down the drink and after placing it on the counter, tried to pay for it.

"It's on the house." Diluc wouldn't take any payment, so with one last look at Ayato, I left.

Why am I angry?

Sure, the way he phrased it pissed me off, but he was my employer. I shouldn't have acted that way and let my feelings for him get the best of me. Specially when he already has Thoma. And I wrote a light novel based on them.

To think I would think about ruining the 'when I found out my master is gay' empire by myself.

I can't do that.

I worked so hard on volume one, and the readers were anticipating volume two.

I was lost in my thoughts, walking around the city in which I didn't know my way around, when I saw a suspicious figure lurk around a tree. The figure was Letting out sounds that sounded suspiciously similar to a wolf moaning during mating season.

Was he..the tree..

I had heard of people who were a bit insane, but a tree, really?

And in public?

The person started to moan louder, and hit the tree with something, which caused an apple to land on their head.

"Ow, that hurt." I could see a beard from the moonlight, and a mess of brown hair.

"What- who's there?" He said, turning to face me.

Of all the things I could walk into...

"Relax, I'm just a traveller. Nevermind me, what are you doing?" I raised a brow, and he flushed.

"Oh- a traveller. Of course. Uh.. I was making a stake." He showed me a wooden stake, which was sharpened.

"Why were you - the sounds-"

"Oh, that. When I get into crafting, I get lost in the work."

Who the fuck moans while shaping a block of wood?

"Okay." I tried to leave, but he started talking again.

"To be honest, I might just use this stake on me. I can't live after what I just lost."

"A lover?"

"No, something commissioned to be fixed from a very prestigious clan. It was a heirloom. And I've lost it. My shop got raided and although no items were lost, just that was taken. No one would believe this story..and I can't afford the reparations."

An heirloom from a prestigious clan..

No way.


Apparently Ayato re-run is coming pretty soon. I've already got him, but good luck for anyone pulling.

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