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Izuku and Inoshishi were given a moment to themselves. The mall was now close to empty, so it was surprising to the giant group of students that they hadn't been caught considering they weren't being slick. Izuku was too happy to care and Inoshishi didn't know any of the UA students by face. The overhead music constantly playing and it seemed whoever was behind the playlist was constantly adding new songs. A new song came on and instantly started with lyrics.

I used to hear a simple song
That was until you came along
Now in its place is somethin' new
I hear it when I look at you.

Izuku grinned at the cheesy love song. There was something so perfect about the coincidental moment. The tender song, his boyfriend alone with him, and the fact it was his birthday. Turning his head, Izuku directed his gaze to meet the face of a nervous Inoshishi. The song was instrumental at the moment.

"Kinzo? Something wrong?" questioned Izuku with an innocent smile. Izuku knew whatever Inoshishi was about to say wasn't going to be anything bad so he was teasing Inoshishi secretly.

"Well, would you care to dance?" asked Inoshishi, his voice clearly wobbling as he spoke.

Izuku was caught off guard by the request, not expecting a nervous Inoshishi to make a bold move. "Huh? In the middle of the mall?"

Inoshishi flashed a charming smile, a little spark of childish joy flashing in his eyes. "Why of course!"

"But there would be people watching," murmured Midoriya, his cheeks heating up at the thought.

"So? Let them watch, I want to dance with you," declared Inoshishi, confidence pushing him forward. Desire to sweep Izuku off his feet and give him the best birthday overpowered his own nerves.

Izuku couldn't help but laugh, genuinely happy. He tilted his head to the sky as he looked away while waving his hand in a flustered panic. "Pfft! You're so corny!

Inoshishi dramatically bowed, extending a hand out to the boy before him. "Izuku, my love, Midoriya. May I have this dance?"

Izuku playfully placed his hand onto Inoshishi's, accepting the request. "Yes."

With simple songs, I wanted more
Perfection is so quick to bore

Inoshishi and Izuku swayed to the music, flawlessly moving to the melody with childish grins. They were lovesick fools, arrest them. While PDA wasn't exactly normalized, nothing could take away the special moment. Their hearts fluttered with the music.

You are my beautiful, by far
Our flaws are who we really are

Inoshishi, knowing the song, decided to sing a specific line, charming Izuku. "You are my beautiful, by far~."

"You flirt!" laughed Izuku, lightly whacking Inoshishi.

The two danced along to the instrumental, Izuku resting his head on Inoshishi's shoulder as he tried to hide his embarrassment. Inoshishi had his hands wrapped around Izuku's waist while Izuku had his arms wrapped around Inoshishi's neck. Inoshishi hummed to the instrumental as he prepared for the dramatic moment of the song.

The security guard watches the two dance over the surveillance cameras fondly. He sighed, "Young love." Deciding to give the two love birds a treat, he increased the volume so it echoed beautifully through the open building.

Inoshishi internally cheered at the sudden volume increase while Izuku seemed unbothered, lifting his head with an amused smile. Inko and Toshinori were returning, just in time to watch the two lovebirds. Class 1-A were holding their breaths, unable to speak or take their eyes away from the sight.

I used to hear a simple song

Inoshishi tightened his grip and lifted Izuku spinning the stunning male. Izuku gasped, completely caught off guard but extremely pleased. Izuku couldn't help but flash a blinding smile as he allowed a love-struck Inoshishi to spin him. They couldn't thank the universe for clashing their lives together. Inoshishi was heading home from his day at a prestigious academic school and Izuku was heading home from his long day at a prestigious hero school. Neither knew the other existed, but suddenly they were all the other wanted.

That was until you came along

Inoshishi lowered Izuku to the ground. He couldn't take his eyes away, looking at the beautifully captivating appearance of the boy before him. Izuku's face glowed as he smiled. His wide, beautiful green eyes analyze the entrancing boy moving him. Inoshishi spun Izuku quickly, causing the muscular boy to once again get caught off guard.

You took my broken melody

Inoshishi dipped Izuku, causing Izuku's hair to fly as he stared up at Inoshishi with an awestruck expression. Inoshishi wanted to see Izuku's rosy cheeks as his red-tinted lips thinned as he smiled with his beautiful teeth. He wanted to kiss each and every one of Midoriya's freckles and the numerous scars he's collected from using his quirk. The two were head over heels for one another.

And now, I hear a symphony

Inoshishi then swept Izuku off his feet, bridal carrying Midoriya as they once again spun. Izuku couldn't hold back his laughter. It was pure, excited, and overjoyed laughter. Inoshishi laughed back with the same excitement and thrill.

And now, I hear
A symphony

As he stood Izuku back on the ground, the two leaned in and shared a love-filled kiss. Every ounce of their built-up desire poured out as they couldn't help but smile through it. The last lines of the song rang out through the mall.

Inoshishi pulled away, pressing his forehead to Izuku's before whispering, "I'm so in love with you."

Izuku whispered back, his heart on his sleeve. "Swear on it?"

"Of course."

"...I love you too," replied Izuku, letting himself go heart first into this relationship. Love at first sight was always a risk. The flip of a coin, heads or tails. You win or lose. You last or you don't. They still had a lot more to learn, they were nothing more than eager sixteen-year-olds in love. Izuku knew the risks and was willing to risk it all.

Izuku chuckled, lowering his head to hide it in Inoshishi's shoulder as he quietly made a comment of his own. "How could I ever reject you after you swept me off my feet and made me feel like the only person in the room."

Inoshishi chuckled, pressing a kiss on Izuku's head. There were no words that needed to be spoken. There was an afterglow of saying I love you for the first time. It was nerve-wracking in the most exhilarating way. Suddenly, the entire area was flooded with applause and cheers. Inko, Toshinori, and Aizawa all happily took pictures as they heard everything. Most of Izuku's classmates were taking pictures as well as they had never seen Izuku look so happy. They wanted to snap that picture and let it exist as time carried on.

Everyone rejoiced in seeing their kindhearted classmate enjoy his birthday. They rejoiced to see their loving classmate find love. They rejoiced seeing Izuku blossom.

The loud voice of a slightly pleased Bakugo rang out through the now quiet mall. "Happy birthday you shit nerd!"

Izuku passed out again.

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