Why Does No One Know?

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(Information Before Reading: This story takes place after the Forest Training Camp Arc. I know Midoriya turns sixteen right after the Final Exams arc and right before the Forest Training Camp Arc. This is simply so the dorms are a part of this story along with the relationship development that takes place long after his sixteenth birthday. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!)

Midoriya's birthday was going just as he had planned. No one said happy birthday. No one gave him gifts. No one acted differently than they would any other day. It was perfect.

Midoriya wasn't upset. In fact, he was relieved no one knew it was his birthday. The concept of having everyone give you money or gifts to celebrate your birth seemed awkward. The attention was overwhelming and he much rather enjoyed his birthday just like every other day. It was more peaceful that way. His friends wouldn't feel obligated to buy him gifts or bring him money. He didn't have to worry about being surprised at any moment with a party.

In middle school, his usual present was either an extra beating or he got a free day. It depended on which side of the bed Bakugo woke up on. In most cases, it was an extra beating. Midoriya was surprised to know Bakugo remembered his birthday. If Midoriya was honest, he'd say he wished Bakugo never knew anything about him. Their relationship was significantly better considering classmates jumped in and the teachers prevented physical attacks outside of training.

One way or another, everything about Midoriya that Bakugo knew was used against him. No matter how small it was, Bakugo picked up on it and used it to its greatest potential. Midoriya always mockingly thought to himself that Bakugo was the obsessed one. He'd be the one to chase down Midoriya. He'd be the one to spend every second of his day watching Midoriya and tracking him down for any minor screw-up. He'd be the one to shout endless curses and insults as he beat Midoriya to the ground. Midoriya did none of that, simply admiring his symbol of victory from afar.

Midoriya hated the fact that he was called the nerd and was known as the annoying pest that wouldn't leave Bakugo alone. Midoriya, unlike Bakugo claims, runs away the second he hears the familiar footsteps in the hall. Unlike what everyone calls Midoriya, Bakugo was a huge nerd. He was just so busy with his fake friends back at Aldera that he didn't have the time to check his phone for villain attack updates.

Midoriya still knew his place in Bakugo's heart. Midoriya kept his hand to himself and let Kirishima reach out. Midoriya was still not worth enough to Bakugo. Bakugo changed himself and it wasn't because of Midoriya. Bakugo changed for others in the class, in a matter of a couple of months. Midoriya worked desperately for years, unable to comprehend where he went wrong or what he was lacking. If Bakugo's gift was not mentioning Midoriya's birthday, Midoriya would take it.

With Bakugo set aside, Midoriya enjoyed not getting a birthday gift. Every year, it would be the same routine. He'd be woken up by his mother. She'd make him a big breakfast. He'd pack up and take his long, dreadful walk to school. He'd get his first birthday surprise as soon as he arrived if Bakugo choose that course. The school day would carry on and the mocking and verbal harassment only grew worse as more people figured out it was his birthday. Midoriya would leave before he could be beaten up for what felt like the one-hundredth time that day.

Running home as fast as his legs allowed, he'd be greeted by his mother holding a gift. He'd open his single present, considering there wasn't a lot of money to spare and he'd rather it be put toward more important matters. Normally it would be All Might merchandise or a new phone whenever the one he had started shutting down, which he was extremely grateful for. Once Inko was done preparing the food, he'd sit down and eat his favorite meal. That was all he did and wanted to do. Midoriya always spent the rest of his day locked away in his room to shut out the world.

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