Im Not Infected GET ME OUT OF HERE!

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Joe closed the door behind himself after climbing down into the cellar with us. It wasn't a very big space to fit three people in, but in this scenario we couldn't really complain.

About eight minutes past and now we could hear the moans and groans of the zombies getting closer and smashing the glass as they entered the shabby, old house. I looked over to Jen who was trembling in fear. "We're ok," I reassured her, "They won't find us down here." I whispered. By now zombies were swarming in, wondering all around the house trying to find the human flesh they could smell.

"We need to stay silent" Joe whispered "Or they'll find us and then we're done for!"

Me and Jen nodded our heads in unison. We could see the disgusting feet of zombies walking across the trapdoor above us, blocking out some of the light.

Then, out of nowhere...


Jen's phone rang out, it was a reminder to get her no-longer-human friend Becky a birthday present. Jen jumped trying to get her phone to switch-off, but by then it was already too late. The zombies had heard this sudden outburst of song and were heading straight towards the trapdoor, bashing at it to make it collapse inwards. There was our cover... Blown. They were scratching and bashing at the wearing-away wood. We all looked at each other, fearing the inevitable.

I'm Luke Harris, and this is just the beginning...

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