In It For The Money

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"You can't do this! You can't deny me the right to release this album!" Trixie yells at the executives.

"Trixie, please calm down." Courtney says as she tries to hold her back. "Just let me handle it, okay?"

"Let you handle it? You were supposed to get them to agree in the first place! You promised!"

"Listen, it's nothing personal, Trixie. This is just business, and that album won't sell. It's as simple as that." One of the men, who I've once again forgotten the name of, tells her. "Now Katya, explain yourself. This isn't what we discussed, so where is the album we requested?"

"I've got nothing to explain, my contract says that my artistic voice won't be compromised, which your initial ideas would've done. But you told me to create something new and fresh for her, and that's exactly what I've done. If you won't chose this artwork for her record and won't allow her to release it the way it is, well then I'm out." I tell them, my tone completely serious.

"Now, that's a bit rash, don't you think? Let's talk about this now." The woman sitting at the edge of the table says, clearly nervous by my statement. 

"I don't think it's rash at all, it's just me acting upon what my contract says. It's funny, I thought Trixie would be the one who'd potentially cause me to pull out of this project, but turns out that she is far more willing to try something new than any of you are." I tell them with a slight laugh. "You talk about her albums not being as successful as you'd like them to be, you talk about wanting something new and bold, and yet you're sitting here terrified of trying an actually new direction which plays to her strengths."

"You need to realize that this is a huge risk, it could push away her entire audience." Another board-member says.

"It won't." Trixie nearly whispers.

"What was that?" The woman from before asks.

"It won't push them away. I performed Moving Parts already and clips of it went viral, giving me more engagement then I've had for anything lately. Releasing this record will pay off, I'm sure of it. And if it doesn't then... well frankly then I don't care. I believe in this album and I'm willing to fight for it, and if I loose my career over it then so be it." Trixie says confidently.

In her eyes I see a change, fear leaving them completely as she stands up for herself. Suddenly the girl who's constantly chased success without stopping is gone, and a new woman is standing in her spot, a woman who's ready to put the artistry first. The Trixie who cared mostly about the songs selling is gone, and finally the Trixie who sat in that classroom all those years ago and played her heartfelt songs in secret is standing there center stage, ready to shine.

"Trixie, are you sure about this?" Courtney whispers nervously.

"I am. I'd rather sacrifice my entire career, than to let these songs stay hidden." She replies. I take Trixie's hand in mine, silently letting her know how proud I am of her and she sends me a soft smile in return. 

"Alright." The CEO says suddenly. 

"Alright, what?" Courtney asks.

"Trixie's album will be released as is with Miss Zamo's cover art, and the music videos for Moving Parts and This Town will be released along with it, but in return Trixie will take the fall if it doesn't succeed. If this album fails then Trixie, you will be responsible for paying whatever expenses isn't covered by sales and your contract will immediately be terminated. Is that understood?" He tells her. He doesn't sound mean or harsh, just cold and numb, as if Trixie's just another number on a chalkboard to him and not a person. 

"Okay." Trixie says after a moment of silence.

"Trixie, think about it." Courtney warns.

"I have, and I have made my decision." She tells Courtney strictly before turning her attention towards the CEO again. "I agree to your demands. If you release the album and the videos with the same promotional push as my previous albums have had, then I will take full financial responsibility and accept the termination of my contract should the album fail."

"Well then, congratulations, you have your album." He responds.

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