26-Sick hair

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"Are you sure about this?"

Abby was looking at the hair clipper on her hand with an unsure look on her face.

On that boring Wednesday morning, I had looked at my reflection through the mirror, and when I saw the few pathetic strands of hair left on my head, I decided to do the thing I had feared a lot.

At that moment, it didn't feel even that scary.

I knew that I had to cut my hair at some point, I had known that for a long time. I had been scared of it for a long time, but standing there, seeing how bad my hair looked, having no hair started feeling like a better option.

Also, if I looked the bright side of getting my hair cut, I was able to get wigs, and just change my hairstyle every day if I wanted. Even though, I was pretty sure that I would stay with my ginger hair and choose something as similar to my hair as possible.

I had called to my brother's fiancé, and told her that I had an urgent emergency, and I needed her help.

"Look at my hair, Abby." I pointed my head and gave her a look. "There's almost nothing left, so, I don't think I have an option."

"Well, you can't blame me if you start regretting this." She spoke. "This was hundred percent your decision, right?"

I chuckled, raising my hands up.

Abby gave one last sceptic look towards me, before she ran the hair clipper through the middle of my hair. A pile of my ginger hair dropped on my bathroom floor. I had to close my eyes for a second, because it was hard trying not to cry while seeing my reflection through the mirror.

"Do I continue?" Abby asked, noticing the painful expression on my face.

"No, don't continue, just leave it like that." I spoke with a sarcastic voice, before pointing my head. "It looks like there is a freaking river in the middle of my hair."

"What?" She asked giving me a confused look.

I rolled my eyes.
"Just continue please."

She took a deep breath, before running the hair clipper through another part of my hair, another pile of ginger hair dropping on the floor, making me cringe.

A tear dropped from my eye.

Abby looked at my face through the mirror, and a sad smile appeared on her face. Her hazel brown eyes held a lot of pity, and she brushed her hand through her face, a sigh escaping her lips.

"I'm sorry." She shook her head. "This is so so unfair. You don't deserve any of this."

"It's fine." I shrugged, another tear dropping from my eye, which I pretty quickly wiped with the sleeve of my shirt. "I'm going to be okay."

Abby gave me a tiny smile, before she focused back to cutting my hair.

I sighed, watching how I had always after Abby ran the clipper through my head less and less ginger hair left. Part of the hair dropped on my hands, and I squished it, as if it was making me feel any better.

I wanted to cry when I watched my reflection through the mirror. I looked horrible, and I felt like I would never feel pretty or beautiful. I did look really sick, and having no hair just highlighted the exhaust on my face.

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