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Heyyy :))

It was a fair and probably the best decision.

The new and this time hopefully in the correct amount given dose of cytostics was going to be given to me in a few weeks, and then I was finally able to get back home, the treatments after that being once in a month.

Should I say that I wasn't that excited about the next treatment, thinking about the last time, but I was confessed by my doctor that nothing would happen the next time, and I was trying so hard to believe him.

It was a beautiful morning, and I was escaping the dullness of my room to Angel's room. I saw her one day and we decided that now, when we both were in the same hospital, why wouldn't we just use our time to catch up about everything.

Well, I wasn't exactly thinking, when I, by accident, walked into a boy on my way to her room.

"Oh shit." Escaped his lips once we both fell on the ground with a loud thump.

Once I was sure that he was okay, I took a deep breath laying my head on the cold floor of the hospital's corridor.

Now that I was able to look at the boy, his white shirt was wet with brown hot chocolate and he was holding an empty cup, which probably was supposed to contain the hot chocolate. Although, he pretty quickly threw the empty cup on the floor, brushing his hand through his hair.

"You good?" He asked, standing up and offering his hand for me to take.

"Yeah." I smiled, letting him to help me to get up. "Thanks."

The boy had light brown, a little messy, hair and the black glasses on his face made him look sympathetic. The features on his face were some kind of familiar, but I had no idea where I had seen this person.

"Sorry..." I muttered, looking his now dirty shirt. "About that hot chocolate."

"Nahh." He shook his head. "I'll just go get a new one."

He opened his mouth but was cut off when the door next to us was opened.

Angel stood there, first looking the boy, then her eyes moving to me and then back to the boy, more likely to his shirt. A painful moment of silence was over when Angel burst into a laugh.

"Look at that, you two finally met too." She shook her head.

"Lilah?" The guy looked at me again, his eyes opening wide open. "Wow, you look different."

"Uhmm." I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"I mean good, you look good." He shook his head. "Or I mean different... no..."

Angel hit him on the chest, making him to stop the awkward stuttering, which obviously led to a hit on the back of Angel's head.

Angel gave him a sarcastic grin before she turned towards me.
"Lilah this is Aaron, my twin. Aaron, this is Lilah."

"Aaron." I opened my mouth wide open. "You..."

"Yeah yeah." Angel patted my back, cutting me off. "He looks different too."

The thing was that somehow that guy, Aaron, who also used to be in the same kindergarten as us, gave some sort of butterflies into the bottom of my belly. He had totally changed a lot, but now that I knew who he was, I was able to recognize that blonde six-year-old little guy with the little dark blue specs.

After another moment of painful silence of me and him just looking at each other, was also cut off by Angel, who furrowed her eyebrows.
"You guys are awkward."

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