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Bashar Jackson Flashback~

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Bashar Jackson

Had make fast money provide for my family over the landlord kick us out that's why join gang for while but notice can't be in these streets niggas die left and right.

"Pop really want leave gang shit"Keisha asked me sitting front of me.

"Yea taking my music serious"I said blowing smoke out my mouth.

"Baby this fast money people probably not going like it"She said yelling at.

"Naw just don't need my mother finding out her child died in the streets"I said getting up.

"Why never listen to me"Keisha says.

"Cause don't care about me just the fucking money"I said.

"Whatever bashar I'm the held u down during time in jail"She says everytime we get into it she use this line.

"Naw my mother held me down while you was fucking other niggas"I said.

"I'm sorry it was mistake baby"Keisha tries to kiss me but dodge her.

"Keisha leave my house"I said opening the door its raining don't give two shits either.

"Can't believe you bashar no other bitch is like me"She said laughing walking out.

"Hope my future wifey isn't like you anyways dumb hoe"I said slamming the door in her face.

Author-Pop and Keisha not item anymore...👀

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