Chapter 4

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Kolivan POV

"Who is 'they'?" I asked. Antok huffed. "Voltron." He hissed. The kit whined and tried to cuddle closer with Antok. Antok carried on hugging with Keith.
"They'll arrive in the next varga or so." Antok called over his shoulder and left. I sighed and followed him. We entered the pack room. Ulaz and Thace looked up at the three of us. Thace jumped up and ran over to Antok, cooing at the now sleeping kit in his arms. A transmission alert came through onto the control board. Yes dear reader, the pack room also doubles as a control room. The noise from the alert awoke the kit. As a answered the transmission, Keith started to wail loudly. Princess Allura appeared on the screen.
"Oh. Hello Kolivan." I saw the other Paladins behind her. "We're requesting allowance to enter." I nodded briskly. "Entrance is allowed."

Lance POV

Kolivan has allowed us access. Now we can see Keith again. Allura turned off the transmission. "Is it just me or did anyone else hear a child's wailing?" Hunk asked. Pidge nodded. "Yea I heard it too. I didn't know there was a kid there." They pushed up their glasses. "Probably Keith. They did say he was a kit." Shiro butted in.
Allura spoke sharply, "Remember. The point we're doing this is to get Keith back."

We walked out the Castle of Lions and entered the Blades hideout. Kolivan was waiting for us, along with the other three galrans that we saw earlier. "How nice to see you again Kolivan. How are you, Antok, Thace, Ulaz?" Shiro asked addressing them all. Count on Shiro to remember their names. "We are fine thank you. And also thank you for remembering our names Shiro." A sudden wailing sound resonated through the base. "I thought he finally fell asleep." Antok said worriedly. "He probably just needs some comfort. You and Thace can go, me and Ulaz will deal with Voltron." Kolivan reassured him. Antok and Thace ran off. "I apologize for the disruption. The kit is still unused to the nest. Also it helps if there is one of us with him."

Shiro POV

The kit Kolivan's talking about... is it Keith?
My face must have shown confusion because Ulaz smiled at me knowingly.
"Do you want to see the kit? I'm he'll be happy to see you." I smiled and nodded. Ulaz glanced at Kolivan. "... I'm sure everyone will be more comfortable in the pack room." And with that, we were lead off to a room. Inside, there was something that seemed to resemble a nest and a tent mixed together. There was also a control board and multiple cabinets, probably holding weapons and other important items. A soft purring noise could be heard. I looked over in the direction of the sound and saw Antok and Thace curled around something. No. Someone. Ulaz chirped somewhat happily. The chirp awoke the sleeping trio. I walked over slowly and knelt before nest, feeling it would be rude to step inside. Kolivan walked past me into the nest. "Good that someone has manners. You don't even know galra customs and here you are." He nodded at me in approval. Antok picked up a small form from within the nest. It looked like a purple kitten at first but looking closely I recognized the closed eye shape and the hair.


∆564 words∆

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