Chapter 2

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Pidge POV

Keith's a toddler? Well, kit but still. Kolivan picked up Keith and started to walk out the door. "But Kolivan! What about the alliance?" Allura called out. "The alliance is off. You sent a kit into war. Even Zarkon wouldn't do that." He left the room, the other galra following behind him. Allura dropped to her knees. "I... I'm worse than Zarkon."
Lance stood up in defiance. "No your not Allura! We didn't know! It's not our fault!" Shiro was shaking in his seat. "It is." Everyone turned to look at Shiro. "We always expected the best from him. So he pushed down everything and has potentially hurt himself." Shiro was crying now. I had never seen Shiro cry. Not even Dad or Matt have. It's because of the information we've found about Keith that he's crying. Hunk came closer to Shiro and hugged him. "Hey Shiro? Do you mind telling us why you're taking this so hard?" Shiro took a deep breath.

Shiro POV

I can't believe it. Keith's gone and now I'm going to spill everything. "The reason I'm taking this so hard is because Keith is like a younger brother to me. I've been with him for half his life." A sob racked through my body. Thinking back to everything me and Keith did together. "Leaving him for Kerberos Mission was very painful." Everyone came and we had a group hug.

~~~~~~~with the blades~~~~~~~

Thace POV

We've brought back a kit. Wonderful. More chaos. Kolivan walked in front of all of us, carrying the kit. We rounded a corner and entered a room we use as our den. The den consisted of many cushions, blankets and mattresses. Kolivan strided into the room and lay the now sleeping kit on one of the mattresses. The kit started to whimper. I rushed to its side and started to release a calming scent. Ulaz came over to me and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
"The kit will be fine. He's just transforming to his natural state." The kit's whines and whimpers echoed throughout the room. My ears flicked around in worry. Kolivan and Antok had already left the room so it was just me and my mate. "But the kit's been malnourished! He's not going to be okay!" I felt tears pool in my eyes. "Everything's going to be okay. Trust me~" Ulaz's scent filled the room calming me down. We heard Kolivan enter the room again.

"We need to check up on the kit."

∆ 420 words ∆
∆ Short I know. I'll try harder for the next chapter ∆

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