Chapter 1

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Note: If you're reading this for the first time, ignore this message. If you're re-reading this story, this chapter has been edited. Happy reading <3

Keith POV

Today was the day the Blade of Marmora was coming to visit and discuss an alliance with us, the Paladins of Voltron. Everyone was stressed, so Shiro called the team to get some training done. I didn't really mind but it seemed like everyone else did. Shiro usually did something physical when he was stressed back on earth. And, after finding out I was half galra not to long ago, memories of how I used to act when I was younger came back. The noises. The yelps, whimpers, purrs and chirps. The feeling of needing to be praised and petted. I was shunned for it. Looked down upon for it. Therefore I made sure to suppress everything down. Although it felt wrong, it kept me safe. Safe from... the abuse.

Kolivan POV

My ship landed on the castle of lions. Me, Antok, Ulaz and Thace got off and were greeted by Princess Allura and Coran.
"The Paladins are training at the moment. Come with me please." She led us away from the docking bay and to a clean white room with a control area and a weapons cupboard. It seemed almost like a prison and quite uncomfortable compared to the rooms back at our bases. In the room the Paladins were fighting Altean training bots. We watched the Paladins fight gracefully for a few minutes, when a loud noise could be heard. A yelp of a galra kit.
Both Antok and Thace stiffened before rushing to the cause of the yelp. The red paladin. The one who was revealed as half galra.

Antok POV

I rushed over to the red paladin alongside Thace. I sensed the black paladin coming over, his scent full of anger. I protectively wrapped my arms around the red paladin.
"How old are you paladin?" I asked the half-galran. "I'm eighteen. Why do you need to know?" He snapped and then immediately turned his head away and whimpered. I froze and paled. Why was someone so young fighting in such a large war? A kit wasn't even supposed to leave their nest for long periods of time! Thace, full of fury upon hearing the kit's answer, turned round and tried to attack the approaching black paladin. "Thace! Cease all attacks this instant!" I heard Ulaz call out, his pheromones leaking off of him and coating the whole room. I turned to see shocked Paladins and a slightly frightened Thace. His cat-like ears dropped down in disappointment.
"Computer, end training sequence!" The princess called out, which caused the bots to disappear. Only then did Kolivan and Ulaz walk over to us. While Ulaz apologized to his omega, Kolivan knelt beside me and cuddled me. A small whine reminded me of the kit in my arms. My mate looked at both me and the kit in confusion.
"How about we move our meeting to the lounge room?" Kolivan asked, his voice demanding answers.

Short timeskip brought to you by Antok carrying Keith

Kolivan POV

We all sat down in the lounge room. Me and the other blades as well as Keith on one side, Allura and the Paladins on the other. I didn't yet understand why Antok wouldn't let Keith out of his arms but Keith seemed comfortable and I didn't have the heart to move him
"Can someone please explain what the heck happened back in the training room? I would like to know why I was almost attacked." The black paladin, Shiro, asked.
"In all honesty, I have no idea what happened." I replied. Antok trembled beside me. I put a gentle arm around him. "Can you please explain Love?" His grip tightened around the red paladin.
"They've been sending a... kit into battle..."

Antok POV

I was right to quieten as Kolivan froze and then turned to glare at the rest of the Paladins. "Is. This. True?" The princess was in shock while the Paladins were very confused. It seemed like they didn't know what was being said. I could feel Kolivan's anger rising. After more moments of silence, Kolivan began shouting. "I said. Is! This! True!?" The volume of his shouting caused my ears to fold in over themselves to muffle the noise. With the anger radiating from my mate, my instincts told me nothing apart from to protect the kit, who was nuzzling into my chest and whining softly.

Lance POV

What in the everloving quiznack is a kit? We all sat there in confusion while a very angry galra stood before us, growling fiercely.
"Um... Yeah... So we don't know what a kit is. How about I go grab the cookies I was making and we'll talk?" Hunk suggested before dashing off to the kitchen. Kolivan snapped out of his rage at Hunk's words and quickly turned to the other three galra. Pidge pulled out their laptop and started typing something and Coran was trying to calm the princess from her state of shock. It seemed that he was failing miserably.
Hunk finally came back to the room with a tray of fresh cookies. The smell of fresh baking filled the room. Keith popped out of the grip he was in, ran over to hunk, grabbed two cookies and immediately went back to the galra.

Allura POV

"Okay... Now we can talk, correct?" Kolivan nodded and sat down. "So, about the allian-"
"I'm sorry Princess, but what about you sending a kit into battle?" I huffed at being interrupted. "I don't understand? Everyone here is almost an adult." Kolivan laughed harshly. "Did you learn nothing? Or did 10,000 years of sleep fog up your memory? Galra age slow than any species. Keith may be an adult in human years but with galra, he's a kit." Oh quiznack. He's right.
"I'm a monster." I gasped. The rest of the Paladins looked at me in suprise. "Can someone finally explain what a kit is?" Lance asked. I sighed. These Paladins have alot to learn. Coran answered for me. "Kits are the second stage of growth for galra."
Pidge gasped.

"So your saying, Keith's a toddler!?"

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