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a/n: i am SO sorry for not updating for so long!!

things have been super intense the last couple weeks - i was moving house & had assignments & it was all just . a mess

i'm hoping to be back to my schedule of posting every weekend now but if anything changes i will post on my profile <33

so sorry again!!! enjoy :)

Penny practically pounced on Eden the second that she walked through the door on Monday morning.

She had been waiting impatiently at her desk since she got to work, an hour before everyone else as she was required to man the phone lines before the appointments started at 9am, a task that rarely kept her that busy. Every time she heard someone come through the door that led toward the car park she bolted to peer down the hallway, startling a few of the other therapists as her bright hair appeared frantically in front of them. Her acrylics tapped faster against the wood as the hour went on, infuriated whenever the phone rang and she had to do her job in case she missed Eden coming inside.

Her weekend was spent on tenterhooks, waiting for the sporadic updates Eden sent her whenever she had a moment away from Bucky, which were few and far between. She had survived on tiny details from the rushed texts, only knowing the bare bones of what had occurred, which drove her absolutely insane as time went on; on Sunday night she couldn't wait to go to bed, wanting Monday to come quicker so she could finally hear all the juicy details.

Around 8:40 she was on the phone with a client scheduling a new appointment when she heard someone approaching, head darting to the side just as a familiar blonde frame appeared around the corner. Eden was practically radiating with joy, huge grin on her flushed face as she stepped toward Penny's desk, clutching her bag with her coat wrapped around her. She was so excited that she'd missed her office completely on the way in, itching to see Penny after so much had happened over the weekend.

Penny beamed at her, noticing the glow held in her face instantly, a very welcomed sign after the turmoil of the last couple of weeks. She quickly wrapped up the call, booking the client in while trying to hide the restlessness in her voice, usual cheery tone masking how badly she wanted to get off the phone.

As she hung up, her eyes landed straight on Eden's, an ecstatic squeal loudly filling the air. She jumped up from her seat, vaulting around the desk and pulling her into a tight hug as she giggled like a schoolgirl, unable to contain her happiness for her friend.

"Oh my god, Ed!" Penny exclaimed, swinging their bodies side-to-side with the hug. "We have so much to talk about!"

"I know!" Eden laughed, her chest swelling at how delighted Penny was, probably even more than she was herself.

Pulling away, Penny's mouth formed a toothy smile as she grasped Eden's cold cheeks, baby blue eyes holding hers. "Tell me everything."

Eden raised an incredulous brow as the phone started ringing right on cue, both of their attentions turning to the obnoxious sound. She nodded in the direction of the receiver, eyeing Penny with an amused expression as she asked, "Have you got time for that?"

Penny's gaze lingered on the loudly trilling phone as she trotted back around the desk, slumping down in her chair. Her perfectly manicured hands hovered over the receiver before she pushed an acrylic onto the 'Hold' button on the base, grinning wickedly. She turned her attention back to Eden, resting her chin in her palm before she replied, "They can hold for a few minutes, Ed."

A breathy laugh escaped Eden's mouth, head shaking fondly. She dropped her bag to the carpet beside the desk, shifting to lean her hip against the wood while Penny bounced up and down in her seat, waiting for the story time session to begin. Her arms crossed over her chest, smile on her face spreading wider as she met Penny's gaze.

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