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It's Wednesday morning, and Noa runs around the house in a hurry. Unlike every other morning, Noa had decided to sleep in since it was her off day from the hospital. Of course, it also didn't help that Sutton had sneaked into her bed early morning. 

"Sutton refuses to get dressed" Maya is standing at the kitchen entrance with a comb in her hand. Noa had always been very apprehensive about hiring a nanny, but she had no choice with her job as a nurse. She had met Maya three years ago at a coffee shop, and they had hit it off. It had started as babysitting a couple of hours a week, and then Noa had offered to hire her as a full-time live-in Nanny.

Noa let out a sigh and handed Maya a cup of coffee. "Sutton Marie! Your father will be here in a bit. You better be dressed by then." She can faintly hear Sutton running from the living room up to her bedroom.

"Father?" Maya looks at her wide-eyed. She puts the coffee mug down and mouths, "what the fuck" in case Sutton decides to re-appear. After all, it had been Maya who implemented the swear jar idea after Bradley had dropped the F-bomb too many times.

Maya's shock is not surprising. Noa rarely talked about Jake unless she was sharing stories with Sutton Marie. The few times Jake had been mentioned, Maya always noticed the sadness in Noa's eyes and tone. It had become a mutual agreement, Maya didn't ask, and Noa didn't tell. All Maya knew was that Sutton Marie's father was a Navy pilot and was alive. The blonde always found it ironic that the person who knew most about Sutton's father was Sutton herself. 

Noa laughs and opens her mouth to speak when the doorbell rings. Instead, she watches Maya go back upstairs and then walks to the door.

"Morning," Jake shifts from side to side, a small smile on his face. Despite his casual attire, he looks handsome. He clears his throat and hands her two small bouquets, pink roses, and white daisies.  "For you and Sutton."  

"Thank you. Come in." Noa steps aside and lets him in. Jake looks around, and the familiarity sets in. He remembers helping Noa move into her family home months into their relationship. For the most part, the house has stayed the same. Only now, toys and artwork are scattered around. 

"Finally got her ready! The princess demands cereal today!" A light voice flows through the house, causing Jake to look around. He gives Noa a confused look.

"That's Maya, the live-in nanny," Noa explains as a blur of blonde runs into the kitchen, disregarding Jake's presence. "I bought a new box of Kix's yesterday, and there's fruit in the fridge." Noa motions for Jake to follow her into the dining room and hands him a cup of coffee. 

It isn't until he catches a glimpse of Maya that Jake feels his heartbeat pick up. He hides his smile behind his cup of coffee and decides to remain quiet. Maya walks into the dining room and almost drops Sutton's breakfast at the sight of Jake. The blonde gives him a subtle shake of her head. The last thing Maya needs is Noa teasing her about what happened at the bar. 

"Jake, Maya. Maya, this is Jake. Sutton's father."

"Holy shit," The words tumble from her lips before she can stop them, causing Jake to snort a laugh and Noa to close her eyes momentarily. "I mean, nice to meet you, Mr. Seresin."

"Good to see you again, Maya." Jake gives her a teasing smile. 

"Oh, you've met?"

"At the bar."


Noa looks between the two blondes with uncertainty. "Wait, the bar? Oh, how was the bar, Maya? Find any cute boys?" Maya had recently begun working at the Hard Deck and was excited to scope the scene. 

CUPID'S CHOKEHOLD / Jake SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now