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While the first half of Noa's childhood had been spent in the suburban area of San Diego filled with flowers and white picket fences, the latter half of her childhood and teens had been spent near the sweltering heat of the Naval base. Instead of flowers, and white picket fences, it had been on tarmacs, observing drills and following her step-farther Beau around.

So she was more than glad that Sutton Marie was also getting to share the same experiences. Noa watched as Sutton followed her grandfather around with a notebook. It was comical. Sutton was dressed in a simple tee and shorts, her lengthy hair twisted into a bun, and her small hands held a notebook almost half her size. But that didn't stop her from running after Beau and handing out "grades" to every officer they passed.

"She's gotten bigger. The last i saw her, she was just peanut sized." Natasha stood to her side as they watched Sutton stop and greet everyone. The dark-haired woman draped an arm around Noa and kissed her cheek. "Good to see you, Noa."

"She's growing fast, and don't even get me started on her attitude."

"Every inch her mother?"

"More like her father," the words had slipped out before she realized it, and an awkward silence followed. While Natasha had been there for the entirety of her pregnancy, she had been honest about her feelings. Natasha didn't think it was fair that Noa had kept Jake in the dark. The whole thing had strained Natasha's and Jake's already rocky friendship. But even then, Natasha had never let it slip. In the end, it wasn't her story to share.

"Looks like him, too," Natasha laughed. Anyone who knew Jake could instantly see the resemblance. From Sutton Marie's hazel eyes that twinkled with the same mischief to her little round nose. It had been more apparent when Sutton was younger due to her blonde hair. But since Natasha had seen her last, the five-year-old hair had darkened to a light brown, a perfect mix.

Natasha cleared her throat. "Just a heads up, I heard talk of him getting called back here." Natasha's words had Noa going into fight or flight mode. And anytime it concerned Jake, it was always flight. He had come back to the base thrice since Sutton's birth, and Noa had run to Virginia each time. To Bradley.

"The special mission. I take it you've also been selected?" A couple of nights ago, Beau had let it slip during family dinner how he had difficulty choosing an elite team. Her mother had quickly shut down the conversation due to her "no shop talk" at dinner rule. It had become increasingly harder since her father had been promoted. It was something that made Noa insanely proud.

"Only the very best," Natasha gloated. Her phone buzzed, and Natasha let out a sigh. "Jake just got here. You should go."

Noa pulled her into a hug and ran after her father and Sutton. If Jake was here, it meant she had 30 minutes to make it out undetected.

"Hey, daddy, we're gonna head out." Noa placed a hand on her father's shoulder.

Beau gave her a look. "You can't run forever, Noa Lennon. People talk, and I can only do so much."

"I know, but you said it yourself. This mission is important and-"

"Which is why you need to sort this out with Seresin. For your sake and Sutton's." He brought her in for a hug and kissed her forehead. "Your mother wants you at dinner. I'll see you, princesses, later."

It took Noa a while, but when she had finally managed to pry Sutton off Beau, she was making a beeline for her car. She had almost made it before a voice stopped her.

"Noa Lennon?" She turned to find Javy Machado and Bradley walking toward her. She had seen Bradley around a month ago, but it had been months since she's seen Javy.

CUPID'S CHOKEHOLD / Jake SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now