something there

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New and a bit alarming, Who'd have ever thought that this could be.
True that he's no Prince Charming, But there's something in him that I simply didn't see


You jolted up at the sound of knocks on your door, not frantic, just simple knocking. You grumbled, sliding out of bed and walking over, rubbing your eyes as you opened the door; only to see Walter, a suppressed smile on his lips at seeing your sleepy form "Good morning" he whispered, unable to keep the smile off his face as you just muttered his words back "there's breakfast on the patio, French toast with strawberries?"

You were wide awake at that, staring at Walter with almost sparkling eyes "French toast?" you croaked, voice still very much asleep. Walter chuckled and nodded "Yes, and strawberries" and with that; the door was closed in his face. Walter laughed as he heard you rush to get dressed, tumbling over yourself to shove your shoes on.

Less than two minutes later, you opened the door again, freshly dressed and ready to eat. "French toast" you muttered and Walter laughed again, leading the way to the patio as the maids and butlers of the Deville manor went about with their duties.

Walter opened the door to the back garden patio and stepped aside to let you out first. You took a deep breath, humming at the smell of French toast wafting through the open air "yum~" you sang, skipping over to the white round table and sitting down before Walter could get it for you. He pouted for a moment then sat across from you.

You glanced at the seat between yours and Walter's and frowned "Who's that for?" you asked, wondering who would be joining you for breakfast as you grabbed some butter and syrup. Walter hummed, leaning on his palm as he looked back at the manor "Evie, but I think she's suffering from intense jetlag" you snorted a bit, nodding. Yeah, Evie had been hit hard the day before after your arrival, she had been practically falling asleep on your shoulder before Grace called.

Soon enough, Evie's Lady's maid; Mrs. Swift, came out onto the patio, looking a bit...sheepish? Maybe...scared? You wondered why before you were distracted by the strawberries Walter was handing you. "my apologies for interrupting Lord Deville, but Ms. Evie is a bit...stubborn, to wake up, I'm afraid she won't be joining you"

Walter waved the older woman off with a shrug "That's just fine, let her have her rest" he smiled at you, watching as you took a bite of your breakfast and danced in your seat, all too happy with what you had been provided "I have the perfect company already"

Mrs. Swift glanced between you and Walter, a bit confused, before she bowed out, leaving you and Walter alone once more. "Aren't you gonna eat?" you asked, ripping Walter out of his thoughts. He looked at you, seeing your fork pointed at his plate of food. "oh-uh, yeah" Walter laughed, a bit nervously before decorating his breakfast as he liked, tentatively taking a bite before getting to speed with eating; almost as if he hadn't eaten actual food in a long time.

"So," Walter said, setting down his fork as he held his hand in front of his mouth "What have you been doing the last ten years? I know you said you were homeless for most of it but-" he made a vague gesture and you shrugged, giggling a bit as he puffed his cheeks out nervously "-along that?"

You hummed, leaning back in your chair and looking out into the garden, your eyes catching onto hundreds of (fav flowers) and many others. "Well uh, for the first year I just-kinda wandered" you muttered, playing with your necklace as you recalled what you had done after you had woken up. "I didn't know where I was, or really-who I was. I only had my necklace and my name."
Walter hummed, completely entranced by your voice, listening intently to every word "This family took me in when they found me-wandering about-and let me stay for a bit, and for about a year I went from hotel to hotel, street to street just looking for anything that could help me remember, but-"

Once upon a December - The invitation- Walter Deville x readerWhere stories live. Discover now