Fallen Grace-Chapter One

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A/N: I've put a lot of thought and detail into this chapter because requests that I should do so. Enjoy. 

Lila's P.O.V.

I wandered into the cafeteria, or what I called 'The Separation'. The name lived up to its expectations. The lunchroom was completely divided. Not by physical lines, but mental ones. Those who passed the line? Big mistake. You see, this was your stereotypical cafeteria scene. It was a simple idea, to be honest.

The goths and emos sat in the far corner of the room, a.k.a No Man's Land. It was dark, littered with cobwebs, and a chill rested on your shoulders whenever you passed by. The popular people, also known as the jocks, cherleaders, and dancers, sat smack in the middle table. That was the most obnoxious area of the cafeteria. They were the starters of food fights, inside jokes, and of course, making a huge fool out of me.

The bookworms and geeks sat together, either studying or reading. Like the goths, they hardly spoke-only to ask each other questions about whatever subject they were studying or to discuss this amazing book that they just read. The art and music freaks sat in the other corner near the door. They either listened to their iPods, worked on an art project, or both. Lastly, there was me.

I formed my own group, wherever there was an empty table. Everyone else rejected me. Even if I sat a table away, they all started whispering or shot me dirty looks. More often, they made a great new joke about me and laughed. The whole student body in the cafeteria started cracking up at it because I was apparently so hilarious, even if I didn't do anything.

Today was no different. I walked in, found the first empty table, and sat down. In an awful coincidence, it was the table right behind the popular crowd. A dead silence fell over their table, and a loud whisper rang out. I wasn't in the mood to pay attention to why I was being whispered about.

I was aware that Kay was right behind me, so I instictively pushed my chair closer to the table. I ate lunch in peace until I felt like I was moving backward. The chair was being tipped down from behind me, and soon I was on the ground. I reached toward the table for support, but the table crashed down on top of me. My lunch splattered all over me. Everyone was silent for a second until deafening roars of laughter erupted from all of the students.

I whipped my head around to find Kay cracking up, along with the whole student body. Humiliated, I ran from the scene and locked myself in the bathroom. A girl in the mirror stared back at me, her face a mix of lunch food, tears, and blood.

That girl was me. My nose was bleeding and so was my arm. I reached for paper towels and grabbed a handful of them. I wiped my face, but my nose was still bloody. I ran my fingers through my hair, and bits of food fell to the floor. 

"We should get you bandaged up," a voice said behind me.

A boy appeared behind me. I could see his face from the mirror. His light brown hair flopped messily into his eyes. His eyes were two pools of light blue. And that's when I realized that this "boy" wasn't even human. He was an angel, with these gigantic white wings shooting up into the air, brushing the bathroom ceiling.

"What the-" I began, but he cut me off.

"Can we please skip the whole 'Oh-ehm-gee! You're, like, an angel!' thing?"

"Well, excuse me," I replied, sarcasm dripping from my words. "It's not creepy at all when a random angel comes up behind you. I mean, it happens everyday, right?"

"Look. I want to make this as simple as possible. My name is Aaron. I'm your guardian angel," he said, making a blah blah blah face.

"You're kidding me."

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