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that was the best word to describe how jisung felt at the moment.

his throat was dry and patchy. he was tired and clearly didn't want to be sitting in a noisy classroom filled with obnoxious teens and young adults who seemed to not know when to shut up.

jisung was never a fan of noisy or crowded places. his been to parties but rarely, his friends usually forced him to go and somehow convinced him.

he always had his earphones plugged into his ears to cancel out noise for this reason. like right now, with his hood over his head amd white bangs poking out.

he had an empty water bottle on his desk infront of him. he had forgotten to refill it earlier this morning so now he sat there thirsty for blood.

luckily, he sat at the back, a little bit away from people so he wouldn't smell their blood so much but he still could just not as badly.

chenle wasn't in his class or anywhere near it, he was probably skipping classes with renjun or something so jisung was hopeless.

why couldn't he refill himself, you may ask?

jisung is a prince. prince of hell. he always had someone to do things for him and listen to what he says so refilling a bottle wasn't something he's done before. he usually drank straight from a blood bag or human.

well, let's just say his stress levels sky-rocketed when the sound of the chair beside him scraping on the floor from his seatmate taking her seat.

he couldn't even bare to look at her, his hands balled into fists to suppress himself and taking steady breathes.

yeonhee on the other hand took out her laptop, sipping her americano latte while getting her materials ready for class.

today, she seemed less vibrant and energetic. yes, she was normally quiet but she'd greet jisung or annoy him in some way.

today was different.

the vampire beside her wasn't doing too great though.

his whole body was tense, the sound of yeonhee's blood surging through her veins, her beating heart and light breaths didn't make it easier for him.

his foot started bopping up and down, sweaty hands rubbing against the material of his black sweatpants and he gulped.

"hey, jisung.." her soft voice called out.

he froze, her hand lightly tapping his shoulder to get his attention.

"uhm, i was wondering if you have a spare pencil i can borrow?"

she was being nice. why was she being nice?

yeonhee wasn't a mean person but when it came to jisung, she'd drag him through the dirt with her insults and comments. not to mention how she'd be non-stop talking as well.

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