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after 15 mental breakdowns, the (almost) passing of my bestfriend and two suicide attempts, i'm back 😻👍

the night wind blew through the quiet city, through the tress creating a continuous rustling sound and through the girl's open bedroom window

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the night wind blew through the quiet city, through the tress creating a continuous rustling sound and through the girl's open bedroom window.

her eyes shot open in a cold sweat, her breathing quickening as she squinted her tired eyes to familiarise her surroundings. she was at the library.

she must've fallen asleep while studying but what confused her the most was the fact the librarian didn't wake her up.

where was the librarian anyway?

with a yawn and a stretch, yeonhee rubbed her sleepy eyes and got up from her head that layed on the desk. she yawned again when she threw her bag over her shoulder after packing her things.

exhausted was probably the best way to explain her state at that moment.

she walked sloppily to the librarian's desk and saw a sticky note on one of the books decorating the dull, messy table.

it read: i had an emergency but didn't want to wake you. i trust you enough to lock up for me! (p.s gimme the keys tomorrow morning, 6:00 am!)

yeonhee chuckled and lightly shook her head, her dark hair shaking from side to side on her shoulders. the librarian, mark lee, was someone she befriended from their bonding of their love for books and literature. he wrote poems while yeonhee preferred folklores and essays.

crumbling the small note in her palm, she dragged her feet to the huge french doors of the entrance, it screamed old and historical with it's wood chipping off and dust collecting quickly.

shutting the big doors that were 10 times her size, yeonhee struggled to get the key in the hole. she didn't know which key locked the door, there were about six different keys on one holder.

"come on, come on.." she whispered, growing frustrated and impatient. she just wanted to get home and sleep properly after eating her dinner.

dinner. the thought crossed her mind then she gasped, eyes widening the size of saucers as she shuffled through her school bag for her phone. finding it, she took it with fumbling shaking hands- the light of the bright screen illuminating on her face.

18:34 pm. the time read.

she was late. really late.

panic resurfaced and she quickly took oft running down the halls, making it to the doors of her university and bursting it open.

she ran down the pavement, taking turns s the figure of the bus stop came into her view point. her eyes widened, noticing the bus driving away from the bus stop causing her breathe to hitch.

"wait, stop! stop! wait up!-" but the bus was now long gone, the wind blowing through her long brown locks and she watched it with despair.

that was her last resort unless...

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