the dads ever 😁

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First things first, I made the fanart so no need to credit someone else. Also if you see the fanart and know the characters in it then you know what and who this story is about >:)

3rd Person POV

Papa Parappa was working on a new invention when someone knocked on the door. "Hello?" He opens the door to see General Potter standing right in front of him. "Oh hey General." He said "I need you to look at the news-" "I know all the food in town is turning into noodles. I'm working on it." General Potter could tell Papa Parappa was a teensy bit annoyed. General Potter walked in the house and saw the news on the TV. 'Oh' he figured that's how Papa Parappa knew what was going on. He looked to see Papa Parappa working on some sort of invention. Potter was never big on the tech stuff, but his friend was. "What is that?" "I call it 'The De-noodlizer'. It'll turn everything back to normal I promise. I just need to work out a few things." Papa Parappa said.

"Ok..." The General said, unsure. General Potter saw the news.

(Just pay attention to the first part of the cutscene. Also it's basically stage 2 and the rest of the game from their point of view)

"This is outrageous!" General Potter said. Papa Parappa was trying to think of a way to fix the de-noodlizer and get them back to their normal size. "How are we going to stop the noodle syndicate now!?" General Potter said as he was kind of worried. "Don't worry! I'll come up with a plan soon enough." "Me? Worried? No!! I'm not worried, your worried!!" Papa Parappa raised an eyebrow and looked at Potter. Potter looked away a bit embarrassed. Papa Parappa laughed a little. "Whats so funny?" "Nothing." Papa Parappa said smiling a little bit. Potter rolled his eyes at him, not finding it amusing. "Lovers we are!!" Parappa said. Both his dad and Potter looked to see what he was talking about.

"Romantic karate.....what?" Papa Parappa questioned. Potter was just as confused as him. Parappa was doing 'romantic karate' with his quote un-quote "friend" PJ. "I think their more than friends..." Potter said. Papa Parappa gave him a look that said 'are you being for real right now?'. "Yeah, there's something going on between those two that Parappa has not told me..." Papa Parappa said. He could tell his son liked his 'friend' very much. Ah yes, like father like son. Cause, they both had liked their best friend very much. Papa Parappa looked at Potter, and he smiled. "....I love you..." he whispered to himself so that General Potter couldn't hear him. He wouldn't want to risk anything.

"You need something?" Potter said. Papa Parappa looked away from him as he realized he was staring at Potter. Potter was obviously confused by this, so he asked him about it. "Are you...ok?" He asked. "Y-yeah I'm fine!" "You sure?" "Yes I'm sure." Papa Parappa said not making eye contact with Potter. At this point, Potter could tell he was lying. He knows when his friend is lying. He went over to his friend. "I know your lying. You won't make eye contact with me." "..." Potter was right, Papa Parappa was lying. But he can't just tell Potter the truth!! But, he had to. "Potter I-" "Hey!! Where were you?" They both look to see Parappa and his friend.

Timeskip to after the events of the 2nd game

I had been a month since the noodle crisis. Everything was going amazing. "How's that invention going?" Potter asked. Papa Parappa had been working on inventions for the military of Parappa Town. "It's going well! Say, are you free anytime soon?" Potter was already gone. Papa Parappa sighed. He had been trying to ask Potter out on a date but everytime he tries, Potters either already gone or his question gets shut down because of Potter's embarrassment. God, he's desperate just to get a single day with Potter where no one would bother them. Meanwhile with Potter, he's trying to get used to the fact that he wants to even be with Papa Parappa. He blushed at the thought of him. They were both madly in love with eachother, thats for sure.

But, neither of them knew how to tell eachother. Even their own children caught onto them. "Honestly, they don't realize how obvious they are." Sunny said to Parappa. "I know. I caught on too." They had both caught on to both of their dad's antics. So, they came up with a plan. Their plan was to put both General Potter and Papa Parappa in a room they can't get out of until they confess to eachother. "Ok Sunny, let's put our plan into action!" Sunny nods. They walk over to Potter and Papa Parappa. "Hey! Follow us, we want to show you something." Before they knew it, they were pushed into a storage closet by Sunny and Parappa. "You two are not coming out until you confess to eachother!!!" Sunny said. "Confess?" General Potter said confused. He looked at Papa Parappa with confusion. "Hey, don't ask me! I don't know what's going on either!!"

They both looked at eachother with confusion. General Potter had decided he had enough. "Do you want to go on a date?" He said calmly. Papa Parappa was processing what his friend had just said. "What....?" He said genuinely confused. "Nevermind I guess." General Potter said clearly annoyed. "Sorry! I was just processing what you said. You want to go on a date?......With me?!" "Oh I don't know I mean probably." He said sarcastically. They both started laughing after that. "Ok ok ok, I'll go on a date with you." "Really?" "Of course!!" Papa Parappa had said. He went over to General Potter and kissed him. They broke the kiss and looked at eachother.

"Your cute." "Shut up." Parappa and Sunny giggled as they let their dads out of the closet. They fell out of the closet. They got up and looked at eachother. They both smiled. "Your still cute." "Shut it." General Potter said embarrassed.

I enjoyed writing this very much 😊

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