Chapter 4

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Bakugo's POV
I woke up with a pounding headache. I groaned, sitting up in my bed. I had realized I slept in my outfit from last night, I looked over seeing a bottle of water and some advil with a little note. I read the note then took the medicine, hoping it would kick in as soon as possible.

I reached in my pocket, feeling that my phone was still there, and checked the time. I groaned again. It was 1 in the afternoon, and I had multiple text from the group chat.

Shitty Hair:
Last Night was a success, that girl you recommended had Bakugo speechless!

Dunce Face:
You should have seen how red his face was!

Omg! Bakugo blushing? Nooooooo!

Ugh wish I could of been there to see that man!

Shitty Hair:
Yeah, what even happened after I got out of the car last night?

Dunce Face:
What? Bakugo was in the car with her alone?!

Shitty Hair:
Yeahh I told him to make a move or get her number or something!

Is Bakugo going to finally have a gf?!?!

Dunce Face:
We're so proud🥲

Hey, will you guys shut up!

I tossed my phone aside, not caring for that conversation anymore. I changed out of my clothes and went downstairs to grab something to eat. I was trying to remember everything that happened last night. Everything was a bit fuzzy.

Did I even get her number last night? I remember her helping me in my house and she went to my bathroom and thats it.. oh no that car ride.. She started turning me on, but didn't take the opportunity to do it with me? She could of. Im glad she didn't. A body like hers is something I would definitely want to remember. Bits and pieces started coming back to me. I smacked my forehead.

Oh my God, I'm an idiot... I'm never that quite! What was wrong with me? Wait, why am I worried about it. It's just a stupid girl. I could get her if I wanted to.

I huffed as I finished up my late breakfast, and went upstairs to do my usual morning routine. I have patrol tonight with Shitty Hair, so this should be fun.

~Time Skip~
I  met up with Shitty Hair so we could start patrolling. I was hoping we wouldn't talk about last night but I already know that's not going to happen, which just irrates me thinking about it.

"Sup Bakubro?" Shitty Hair said coming up to me. "Nothing shitty hair." I replied. "Sooo did you get Y/N number?" He questioned. "No." I simply replied. "Did you guys do anything?" He pushed further. "No, nothing happened. She dropped me off, helped me inside, and left advil for me after I passed out. That was it. Nothing happened. I didn't make a move, I didn't get her number!" I exploded on him. I didn't necessarily yell, but I did get kind of loud.

"That was manly of her! She cared enough to make sure you had medicine for your hangover this morning! That's awesome bro. Sucks you didn't get her number but we could always go back!" He suggested.

"And why would I do that?" I questioned. "Bro you were not yourself last night while she was around." He stated. "I was drunk what do you expect from me?!" I stated back. "You are not much different when you're drunk.." He pointed out. He was right I was still loud and yelled at everyone when I was drunk. Shit.

"Maybe try to talk to her?" He questioned. I sighed. "No." I replied. "No? What do you mean no?" He questioned kind of taken back by my answer. "I mean no. I don't have time for a relationship or dates, maybe a hookup but that's it but just no, drop it." I said.

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