How many pages a script should have ?

10 2 1

The scriiiiiipt...

Who here made more than 5 pages for their script?

Sorry to disappoint you, but it's really not necessary to do the same 😅

There are many advantages to making a script such as visualizing your dr well, knowing a little about what is going to happen in your dr, reassuring yourself, being able to motivate yourself before the shift...

But do the same, really no!

It's up to you, but do you really think you have to mark everything? Describe all events as precisely as Balzac's long 20-page descriptions of a store (and yes- 😅😫). Don't you think you should act instead?

You can mark "safeties" for your dr, safeword and important stuff to see roughly where you are going, but going more is absolutely not necessary I assure you. From 1, it's long, and from 2, by dint of writing it can discourage you and therefore stop writing it. But if you stop writing it to do it the next day, you have two options:

- You're someone who doesn't care that you haven't scripted everything so you shift.

- You are someone who wants their script to be perfect so you don't shift (most shifters are like that 😫)

But you can limit your script!

Basically, the script is used to organize your ideas in relation to the shift. To "anchor" them in his subconscious. But how do those who don't have a script but still shift? Either they go there randomly without knowing what will happen, OR THEY ORGANIZE THEIR IDEAS THINKING.

Let me explain :

Since the script serves to "anchor" in your subconscious what you want to be in your dr, you can very well "do your script" by thinking.

Basically you say to yourself: "in my dr, there is [1] who loves me" (example people 😂)

Well, having said that will make that in your dr, [1] will love you!!

And you are happy and you make your "script" in no time!

I have lots of dr's where I go and for a while now I've been using this technique and it works wonderfully and I don't spend hours writing a long script that my parents could find at any time 😂

The shift is yours, your script is yours. It's up to you to make them yours now!!

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