THE truth of shifting

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If for me shifting had only one truth, I would say that it is that you only need yourself to shift.You can use methods, subliminals, meditate, do whatever you want, it's not all that will make you shifter. But you. And only YOU!

Those who shifted without all these methods being known that they get a comment? The raven method, the subliminals, 10 years ago, it was absolutely unknown and before the shifting became a trend, the shifters turn out to be treated like liars (much more than today because more and more people believe in).

  I take the example of my best friend:

She is 16 years old and shifted for 5 years. When she told others about it, people called her a liar, said she was crazy, that she had hallucinations. Yet she was right, and I'm sure that when these people learn of the existence of shift (if they haven't already), they will regret not having listened to it.

Getting back to the main topic...

She's making a comment for shifter? It does not use a method to shift. No subliminals, no meditation, she has no script, she doesn't read the books or the mangas where she shifts. Why ? Because all of that is help. It's not all those things that you do shifter. Otherwise she would never have succeeded.

The first time she shifted was by mistake. Without thinking of a particular universe. Falling asleep normally as she usually did.

And THAT is what proves that you simply need yourself. If you know you can shift anytime, you are a big step towards success! And if you have confidence in your ability to shift (because shifting is totally natural) you will succeed!

Basically, don't spend your time reading nonsense about shifting, saying you need this or that chosen to shift. Because it is wrong. These things have helped some people shift but we are all different and function differently.

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