Chapter 4: The Executioner

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Aaron Live is the billionaire founder and C.E.O. of Live Industries. He is a brilliant man responsible for the most of the world's technology. He is a master entrepreneur and the richest man in the world. The world does not know, however, that his intelligence is artificial. He took a revolutionary pill that reveals to your brain all earth's answers.

While his intelligence might be mostly artificial, he is the smartest man in the history of the universe and the only one in which I will truthfully say is smarter than me. Aaron and I might not always get along, but he has money and intelligence, and we'll need him for this mission.

He seems surprised by my call, but he allows me into his mansion anyway. I'm somewhat surprised by the lack of pushback, but I won't take it for granted. I walk in and the hazel-eyed man immediately begins to prattle.

"What do you mean you want to work together. I didn't think we would ever talk again after what happened at Djibouti. I wouldn't have thought in a million years that you would ask to work together. You must really want whatever this is to be completed. Now, what is this?"

"You can trust that I am not excited to work with you either, but we have a common enemy and I need you to help me defeat him." I say to the man. "Johnny Shield is a fraud who should not have anywhere close to the power that he does. You and I know that he is nothing, and I want the world to know it too. Jack is already on board and with you I will only need three more people. We could change the world. You could become the most famous person on the planet, but I need you. Together we can defeat anyone. Join us so we can change everything."

"That sounds nice and all, but us three is not enough. Is The Waiter involved?"

"No, he's dealing with some team of teenage enhanceds in London. I think they call themselves mist. Probably a bunch of mouth breathers like the rest of the enhanced."

"I'm right here." Jack says.

"Sorry. I really am, but I hate your kind. They think they can do whatever they want, because they're special. I'll tear them all to shreds." I respond.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. Let's just see how well this one does before we plan to purge the world." He counters.

"Well, I'm glad you two got to have this little talk, but I'm still not sold. I assume that Veracity is not involved nor The Waiter, so who do you have in mind to help us? Agony, Hellrazer, Mag, Cortex? They boyish-faced man asserts.

"I have some people in mind. I just need to know if you're in or out." I answer.

"Fine. I'll do it, but I get first crack at seeing what's inside the glove. Non-negotiable."

"Whatever. Let's head to my laboratory."

He insists that I give him a few hours to make some calls and then we can take his jet to my laboratory. While he is doing that, I decide to look around. As I do so, I stumble upon a room with a very intuitive lock system. This must be it.

I try to figure out an algorithm to unlock it when Aaron approaches me. "You have never been one to mind his own business. I knew the second I looked the other way you would go snooping around my stuff. If you wanted to see what I have you could have just asked."

With that being said, he swings opens the door and we walk into the biggest and most technologically advanced laboratory I have ever seen. There are super advanced gadgets, weapons, suits, and even a replica of Johnny's glove.

"Are you impressed?"

"Slightly. You're going to have to let me use some of these first. I have to ask, though. If you know everything, then why haven't you built your own glove yet?"

"I know all of the world's answers, and not everything in that glove is of Earth. If I could just crack it open, I could create an army."

"You could end the world."


Jack finally finds us and we discuss the plan a little. We decide that it would be better if we use his facilities. His equipment is light years ahead of mine in quality. I knew I would need his resources, but not this much. He just became more important than I would have ever imagined. I couldn't leave it to a worse person. We leave the mansion to go get the stuff from my lab.

I get back to the mansion and show Aaron what I've been working on. He is not nearly as impressed as Jack was.

"I see that you have been working on your own stuff. How long have you been working on this? Three days?" I shove him. "I'll stay back and make all of this stuff actually useful." Jack and I leave and get on the jet. We're on our way to Montana to talk to Rebecca Stone.

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