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"I'm so hot." Florence whines as she kicks off the covers and fops onto her back, the momentum of her action bouncing you slightly from your place on the mattress next to her. She was adorned in nothing but a pair underwear, and the beads of sweat that lingered on her brow were eminent.

It was currently summer, and because the houses in the UK were for some reason opposed to getting air conditioning and the fan was currently blowing nothing but hot air, you were both dying.

You let out a small sigh as you turn onto your side to face her, "Yeah you are." You mutter in that knowing tone as you playfully eye her up and down, and you let out a small huff when she does nothing more than push your face away.

"You know that's not what I meant," she mutters as she sits up and begins to fan herself with her hands, "my god this is torture." She throws her head back defeatedly.

You mimic her movements and reach a hand up to brush away a short strand of blonde hair, "You wanna go take a cool shower?" You offer helpfully as the pad of your thumb brushes over her clammy skin of her cheek.

She leans into your touch for a short second before nodding her head, "Yeah." She slides out of bed and holds out her hand. You don't hesitate to take it and allow her to guide you through to the en-suite bathroom connected to your room. You turn on the light and momentarily squint at the brightness.

As Florence rids herself of what little clothing she was wearing, you reach into the shower to turn it on, holding your hand underneath the stream of water to make sure it was at a suitable temperature.

The last thing you wanted was for it to be ice cold because as nice as you think that would be, you didn't want it to feel like you were swimming in the Atlantic Ocean.

You were soon stepping aside and allowing the blonde to climb in, and you stare at her with a raised eyebrow as you tug off your shirt. She was stood directly underneath the shower head, allowing the water to flow over the entirety of her body.

"Is it cold?" You ask, tossing the item of clothing into the laundry basket along with your underwear.

Florence looks at you as she wipes the water out of her eyes, "Yeah, but it's nice once you get used to it. Come on darling." She gestures for you to get in too.

You reluctantly comply and involuntarily shiver as the water pouring from the shower head hits your skin. Deciding that no, this was not happening, you take a step back and huddle into the corner. It was fucking freezing.

"What are you doing?" Florence turns to face you with an amused smile, reaching out to try and grasp your hand. You fight her for a second, but when she pouts, you have no choice but to let her have her way.

You whine slightly as she successfully manages to pull you under the water, your arms wrapping around her shoulders, "It's cold." You complain with a small pout.

Florence laughs slightly as she tightens her arms around your waist, her hands tracing gentle circles on the small of your back, "I know, but it's nice. It's better than being overly hot, no?"

You sigh and nod begrudgingly, "I guess."

She shakes her head playfully as she lays her head just underneath your chin, and you couldn't help but smile as you press a tender kiss to the top of it and pull her closer.

You do eventually acclimatise to the temperature of the water, and it no longer felt like sharp needles poking at your skin. It allows you to relax properly in Florence's arms, and you soon find yourself resting your head atop of herself and allowing your eyes to flicker closed.

"I love you." You hear Florence murmur a little over five minutes later, and you grin softly as you graze your hand across the wet skin of her back.

"I love you."

Florence looks up at you, her lips quirked up into a soft smile. You couldn't help but place your lips against her own, and she doesn't hesitate to cup your jaw and deepen in. After a few soft, tender kisses, you both deem it time to try and head back to bed.

As Florence turns off the water, you climb out and grab two towels from the towel wrack. You wrap one around yourself, and as the blonde steps out, you throw the other over her head.

"Was that necessary?" She asks with a playful glare as she pulls off the towel and begins to dry off her hair.

"No, but it was funny." You laugh slightly.

Due to its shortness, her hair was done in seconds, and after she'd dried off the rest of her body, she scrunches it up and throws it at your face.

You yelp in dismay, but figure the payback was well earned and say nothing. You simply fold the towels back up and put it back on the towel rail before making your way into the bedroom.

Florence was there already, still naked and sprawled on her back with the fan above blasting on its highest setting.

"I'm already sweating again." she mutters in greeting, and you could tell she was growing irritable again.

You sigh lightly as you climb on top of the blankets next to her, "So am I," you admit. You take a few moments to go over your options before turning your head to face her, "we could go sleep downstairs? We can have the fan closer to us then."

The living room was probably one of the coolest rooms of the house due to the two tall fans Florence had bought. They were heavy though, so getting them upstairs was a sweaty challenge in itself which was why neither of you had bothered.

"Movies and popcorn?" Florence gets out of bed and tugs on a clean pair of underwear.

You glance at the time and see that it was two in the morning.

"You know what? Make that ice cream instead of popcorn and you have a deal." You tug on a pair of shorts and a sports bra before grabbing your phone from the nightstand. You take Florence's hand and pull her out of the room.

"But I want popcorn." She pouts as she tightens her grip around your hand.

You cave immediately, letting go of her hand when you make it down the stairs and into the living room, "Okay. We'll have both. Go it on the couch and pick a movie."

"Yay!" The blonde giggles happily, and you watch as she all but throws herself onto the couch.

Man, you really loved her.


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