Disney world

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It must seem strange for one to come to Disney world alone. But that's what you had one. Lately, things just haven't been going well. You were stuck at a dead end job where the customers would take you for granted. School was just...not even worth mentioning. The cherry on the cake was losing your family when they hadn't been too accepting of your sexuality. It left you struggling to get by; living from pay check to pay check. Sometimes you struggled to make rent, to put three square meals onto the table, but what else could you do?

This trip had actually come out of your college fund; something you swore you wouldn't ever touch unless it was absolutely necessary. Disney was a pretty unnecessary expense, you knew that, but it was either this or blow the entirety of your savings by moving to the freaking North Pole.

So here you were. Walking through Disney by yourself, a backpack on your shoulders and the sun shining bright.

Your first course of action was to pee, and you would so just as soon as you found wherever the heck the bathrooms were. You look down at the map you were holding with furrowed eyebrows, because unlike most people here, you didn't know your way around, and thanks to your terrible sense of direction, you'd actually grabbed the map one of the employees had handed you.

Bladder soon empty, you allow the exploring to begin. Although your stomach grumbles, you don't head towards the food fearing that it would make an appearance when you went on the rides. Expedition Everest sounded good, and when you find it, you join the already long line. It was an hour wait, but seeing as how it was one of the shorter wait times out of the many you had seen, you couldn't find it in you to mind too much.

To distract yourself, you pull out your phone from your backpack and scroll aimlessly through your social media. You like a few posts on Instagram, reply to a few DM's on twitter and even check your Wattpad account. When you were done, the wait time had only gone down fifteen minutes, and you couldn't help but let out a small impatient sigh. You were pretty much assuming that you'd only get on a mere three or four rides today, and that was being generous. You supposed that was okay though. It was better than being stuck back at home.

Laughter coming from behind you abruptly breaks you from your thoughts, and you couldn't help but glance back. It was a girl? Woman? You couldn't tell, but she looked young, stood with two of her friends and they were all seemingly stuck in conversation. The two friends looked the same, so you assumed they were twins, and you smile softly at the sight before turning back around to face the front.

Throughout the remainder of the wait, the laugher fills your ears a total of five more times. Each time you heard it you couldn't help but but smile, because it was just one of those contagious, loud laughs that had anyone around wanting to join in. You refrain however, because being alone already got you enough unnecessary attention and laughing to yourself about seemingly nothing was guaranteed to add to it.

You soon make it to the front of the line, "You by yourself?" The man asks, and at the sheer volume of his words, holding back the blush that was creeping onto your face was impossible.

You nod mutely, and when he lifts up the barrier you walk through and get yourself situated on the ride. Much to your surprise, the seat next you was taken only seconds later, and you glance over and see it was the same girl who was in the line behind you.

She seems to sense you staring and turns to face you with a smile, "Hi. I'm Florence."

You clear your throat before forcing a smile back, "Y/n."

"Nice to meet you," she nudges her foot with yours, and the smile on your face becomes a little more genuine, "There's only two seats on each row, so I hope you don't mind me sitting next to you."

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