My Heart Hurts

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It has already happened and done.

She kept those facts because Taehyung let her stay by his side. The man gave her shelter and money to live. He gave her special treatment and only saw her despite the fact that he could find another woman easily.

"What will you do?" "Enough drink." Jungkook took the bottle for him, "All she wants is the truth."

"She will hate me.. She will hate me after seeing those. Didn't you see the way her eyes looked at me.." The way you looked at him..

that disappointment.

"You are going to marry her. She is giving the rest of her life to you. She deserves to know."

Jungkook persuaded him. You love Taehyung, he was sure if Taehyung let you see those files, your heart would find a way to forgive him.

"She would never see me the same again.."

There was the copy of the agreement he made her sign, the aborting papers, and more.. many more, "She will hate me.."

"You would never know unless you tell her. She is smart and considerate, she sees the best in people.. or else she wouldn't agree to marry you." He was a cruel, heartless and arrogant piece of shit.

"She is.." Taehyung loves you, oh Lord, he knows he loves you so much it hurts.

"Go meet her..."

You tossed and turned around the bed.

The baby must have felt how uneasy you were, so she stayed awake too.

Was it so hard for him to hand those files to you? Your sister.. you chuckled bitterly. She must hate you so much that she sent them the night before your wedding.

She had time to find all of those, she must be determined to make you hate Taehyung.

She wants him.. you knew she did..

"Y/n..." Taehyung knocked on the door. Interrupting your track of thoughts. You weren't sure if it was him or the voice from your head. It was two in the morning.

He can't be still outside at this hour.

"Y/n..." He knocked again. He had the card for your hotel room. He wanted to make sure whether you were already asleep or not..

He was standing there for five minutes.

You opened the door, his eyes lit up.

He must be drunk.. his hair was a bit messy. Taehyung leaned on the door frame.

"Here." He handed you the envelope. He had an upset stomach because he drank without eating anything. He tried to chase them away.

"Get in first.." You hesitantly put your arm on his waist to support him, "Go to the bathroom." He followed your instructions.

You pat his back until he throws up everything.

He must be devastated..

"You shouldn't be driving.." Just where did he go before coming back here.

"I'm not driving.. Jungkook drove me here. Your oppa.." He hiccupped.

"Sit here, I'll get you some water." Either he was trying to trick you or he was just dumb.

Taehyung's gaze tailed you. Your baby bump started to grow.. He put them inside you.

It was his... his, "Here, finish them."

He obeyed your words, "I'm cold.." He sulked like a kid.

"Go to bed." You untied his tie and unbuttoned his suit, "Do you feel better..?" Just what are you thinking? Why didn't you go back to your place? Why did you do this to me...?

"No. My heart hurts.. Like it got ripped.. It hurt so bad.. why am i not bleeding.." When it hurt greatly.. he thought he would die because he couldn't breathe.

"Do you want me to stab you?" You ridiculed him, covering him with the blanket.

"Will it make you feel better?" He palmed your face. You were the most beautiful woman to his eyes, "Y/n.. I love you.. I'm sorry.."

He murmured, "The file is yours.. You can see them.. You can ask me anything.. I will answer your questions.."


"Yes, go and read them.." Because he was afraid he might scaredy cats and take them back.

You took the files, sliding them out on the bed.

Taehyung tugged your sleeves, "I love you.."

He hopes you say you didn't need to read them and that you trust him and love him, too.

That's not gonna happen.

You observed each word on the papers carefully. You didn't want to miss any detail.

The girl.. Foxy.. she was working in a club before. Her mother was sick so she figured the best and fastest way to earn money was by selling her dignity.

She was pregnant and forced to abort them.

You shuddered to read layer after layer.

Seems like she followed Taehyung after the abortion. She was pretty. There were tons of their pictures together.

They looked awfully great together..

"Have you ever met her after we got together?" He was still sending her money on this record, the latest one was two weeks ago.

"No. I swear i never meet her again. I'm in love with you.."

"You are still giving her money.." She must be important to him..

"My assistant handles them. I never cross check. I didn't think of it.." Because he was with you. It was trivial. Included in his monthly expenses. Naturally when the boss did not tell him to stop, his assistant believed he should keep sending them, "I would never ever look for her again. She dies to me starts today." He'll get someone to send her away where her presence can't bother you.

"I.." You didn't hate him, none of this could make you hate him.. You probably fooled by your feelings for him so what? You love him..

His sin, his greatness, "I love you, too.."

You kissed him, tossing the files to the floor.


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