Delicate Pregnancy

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"I would suggest Miss Han to bed rest couple days. I will send some vitamin and medicine for her blood pressure." The doctor signed Taehyung to follow him out.

You were eating a bowl of chicken soup.

"Mr Kim, i should tell Miss Han's condition does not good. It's best if she restrain from some heavy activity."

"You said she will feel better after second trimester."

"Normally." "It's different each pregnancy. Miss Han happened to be the delicate one."

"As long as she rest well and eat properly, she will be okay." The doctor cleared his throat. The look on Taehyung's face was fiery as if he about eat him whole, "Call me anytime if you need to consult. Have a good day, Mr Kim."

Taehyung came back with deep frown on his head. Your mouth was fierce but you have weak body. How funny is that?

"Why didn't you tell me you have severe headache?"

"I don't want to make it a big deal." "Beside, what should you do? Aborting them? Isn't it too late for that? They said to avoid consume any medication. What possibly you could do if I tell you?" You snapped at him.

"Could you stop talking about aborting them?" You could tell he was truly upset. He made that certain face.

"You can't go to college for the time being." Hearing no answer, "Do you hear me?" He asked again sternly.

"Yes." Do you hear him? Yes. Will you listen to him? No. Obviously.

"You better be at home every time i call." He took the empty bowl from you, "Have some sleep. The maid will check on you from time to time." He tempted to empty his schedule today. But he had important meeting, "I'll be back. Listen to me this one time, will you?"

One time is fine, but how about the other time?

Yerin walked back and room in front of your ward. You had a day off yesterday. Today you went to the college and suddenly collapsed during the class.

"How could this happen?" Yerin held your hand. You seemed extremely weak.

The doctor said you had a light maternal bleeding. Your stomach felt uncomfortable.

"I don't know.. I just feel light headed the next thing I know, I'm here."

"My brother is on his way.." He ended the phone call immediately after Yerin told him you were in hospital. Now you feel even worse, "I also call your parents.. Your mom is in the meeting. She will come after that."


"I'll get you something to eat." You nodded at her and mouthed thanks again.

Taehyung will surely killed you. He went to the office this morning and you sneaked out after him. It's because you didn't feel so bad anymore. You can't delay a few things. Later you'll get even tired after the tummy growing.

Taehyung entered the ward. He was cursing you all the way to the hospital. He was about to scold you when he saw your eyes were shut tightly as if you were in pain.

He extended his hands to touch your face.

"Should i lock your room next time?" He asked, he stares at your lower abdomen. The doctor said that you shouldn't really leave your bed.

Now it was even worse.

A part of him was blaming himself.

He should've been agreed when you asked to abort the baby, now it just dangerous for both of you. He frustrated.

It was so quiet but you were sure he was still beside the bed. You opened your eyes, peeking at him. You heard his footsteps so you pretend to be hurt.

"Quit the act if that's what you are doing."

"I.. I have-" You stuttered

"Yes, please, defend yourself. I want to hear them." He said sarcastically.

"I have-" assignment to submit.

"For God's sake, I don't really mean it! I tell you to stay home, didn't i? I know you will be stubborn like this."

"I'm not stubborn. I have other things to do other than carrying your child!"

"You know what, I'm totally understand you don't care about the baby. Don't worry. You don't need to take care of it after you give birth to the baby.

I will make things easier for you."

"Don't say that.. you always said that I don't care." It was growing inside you, even if you hate him so much. You care about the baby..

Maybe not the way he did..

"Well, don't you?"


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