Han Haeyoung

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"Why are you glaring at me?"

Taehyung did not feel that what he did was wrong. He was defending you and he did not care about the real ugly face your sister made after hearing his words.

No matter how great she tried to play it cool. Your sister was truly offended.

"Never mind." You rolled your eyes.

"I don't like what it sounds, what is it?"

"It's just that my relationship with her is complicated.. We are never really close."

She just gives you the cold shoulder.

"I can see that." He sneered. That girl was looking at you like a sort of weak creature she could step on. Flash news, he won't let her.

"And now you are making her dislike me even more." Actually the two of them were alike in some type of way.

"More than she already does? You sure? I think I might just help you." He has seen many ambitious women and he will recognize them if he sees one.

"Tell me how it helps?" You want to smack his head with a book.

"Now if she wants to bully you. She might think several times." He will back you up.

She needs to teach a lesson.

"Ugh.. I don't know..." You were not sure about that.

Your sister had quite a big ego all for herself.

She wouldn't back down so easily just because he did that once. Taehyung rubbed your face.

"Get rest early. I will be back as soon as I can. You really don't need to talk to her if you don't want to. Or should I put a sign in front of your room?" He will ask the maid to guard your door until he comes back.

"There is no need to challenge her. She will find a way to get back later." Sometimes you thought she was being a good sister by living aboard, so you lifted your legs on the bed. Massaging them lightly, "You have a meeting. You should head back first."

"Your legs must be tired walking around.." Soon you will be waddling like a penguin.

Taehyung sat on the edge of the bed. Your tummy was rounder day by day, "Is she kicking?" He asked as he rubbed them.

"Not now. Probably later when I'm trying to sleep." The baby is always up around that time.

She was turning, flipping and probably too energized after a long day sleeping when you were awake.

"What do you do when you can't sleep? Should I sleep with you?"

"Please leave now." You pushed his hands away, "I'm fine sleeping alone."

"If you say so. I'm off now. See you later."

He wouldn't miss a chance to tease you—

[ Three months ago ]

Haeyoung traced her leg up on the man in front of her. The man looked at him, smirking. Her phone rang, showing her mother's caller id.

"Ugh, why does she call out suddenly?" "Mother?" She picked up the call right away.

It probably works.

"I have something to tell you."

"Sure. What is it? Are you okay? Dad?"

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