Chapter Thirteen

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Andy POV:

I saw the exhausted expression on Rayne's face. I knew she was sick of the constant worry, the hallucinations, and the nightmares.

"I can't do this anymore, Andy. I can't take it anymore. I'd rather be dead." She told me.

This surprised me and made me angry at the same time.

"Do not EVER say that again. You understand me? You can't give up, can't let him win. I won't let you. Understood?" I asked, harshly.

This made Rayne cry. Damn it.

I took her into my arms and rested her head on my chest. 

"I'm sorry. Just, please don't give up. We can do this. You can do this. Just work with me a little, okay?" I requested quietly.

She looked up at me with her dark blue eyes, filled with tears.

"Okay." She told me, weakly. 

I smiled gently down at her while she looked at me and I was fighting as hard as I could not to kiss her.  

Rayne rested her head on my chest again, taking a deep breath.

"Will you sleep next to me tonight?" She asked me. "Of course, I will." I told her. 

Rayne POV:

When I woke up this morning, Andy was still in bed next to me, sleeping soundly.

I looked up at him and noticed that his slicked back hair was falling around his face. I hadn't really noticed how long his hair was.

Our conversation the night before started to run through my head.

Why does he care so much about me? He was so angry to hear that I had given up.

I jumped when there was a knock on my bedroom door, Andy jumped out of bed, completely. 

When he swung the door open, Oz damn near jumped out of his skin.

"Breakfast is ready." Oz told us, as he backed up.

I bit my lip lightly, trying to prevent the laugh that was rising.

"Sorry, man. We're a little jumpy right now." I told my brother.

"It's alright, sis. I am too. It's time to eat. Made eggs and bacon for you." Oz told me.

A smile came across my face. My favorite. 

During breakfast, I actually had a smile on my face. There were no nightmares the night before, thanks to Andy.

We were all talking and laughing. 

It felt good to laugh. I hadn't had a genuine laugh in years.

About halfway through breakfast, my phone began to ring.

All the laughing stopped right then.

"Speaker." Andy told me.

I took a deep breath, answering while putting the phone on speaker.


My voice was weak and shaky. 

"You're fuckin' him aren't you!" Roark screamed into the phone. "What?" I asked. "I saw him in your bed last night, bitch! You're nothin' but a fuckin' whore! Fuck you, Rayne!" He screamed and hung up the phone.

I was terrified. He had never spoken to me like that before. Not once.

I looked at Andy and he looked just as shocked as I did.

"He was watchin' us sleep." I said weakly. 

Andy pulled me onto his lap and hugged me tightly.

"You can't stay here. Not while Roark is out there watchin' you. Has he ever gotten that aggressive before?" He asked. "No, never. He was watchin' us sleep, Andy. The only way he could have seen is from the tree outside my window." I told him.

I shivered when I came to that realization. He sat in that tree, fuming while watching me the whole night. The whole fucking night.

"Where will we go?" I asked him. "I have a guest room you can sleep in." Andy told me. "What about Oz?" I asked. "I'll be okay here, Rayne." Oz said. "No, you won't. He will come after you to get to Rayne. He did it once already. I have a pullout couch in the livin' room. You can sleep there." Andy said to Oz.

I just looked at Andy as he explained what we were going to do. He was so caring and kind. How has a woman not snatched him up yet?

"You ok?" Andy asked when he looked back at me.

He noticed me staring.

"Yeah. I'm good." I told him. 

He nodded and stood, taking my hand. 

"Let's get you some clothes packed so we can head out. The sooner you're out the better." Andy told Oz and me. 

Running again. Great.

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