Chapter 6 - This is Where We Are

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"The house is old." The words made Maria jump.

"You scared me," Maria said to the figure that emerged from the shadows. How long had he been standing there? His ability to emerge out of nowhere still unnerved her. "What did you hear?"

"Doors slamming hard enough to spook any ghost that might haunt this old house ." Why couldn't he just give her a straight answer. It's almost as if he could read her mind. A smile flickered across his face as he closed the gap between them. "It's more fun to keep you guessing. Last thing I want is for you to lose interest."

"I'm not in the mood for your games." She tried to sound admonishing. Her heart wasn't in it and he knew it.

"Let's get you cleaned up first. She's right, flour is not a good look for your complexion." If it was deliberate on his part they didn't get a chance to find out. She let out an enraged yell before heaving the nearest object at him. He caught the glass measuring jug before it could fall and break. She used the opportunity to put some distance between them. If his hand didn't reach out to catch the door behind her she would have slammed it hard too.

The house was his. Those nights when he couldn't sleep and would disappear until dawn, he spent fixing up this house. He was very possessive towards the house. When they all moved in they were given a list of rules for his house. They were to refrain from slamming doors so hard it made the walls shake.

He was fast on her heels and she picked up her pace until she was running up the stairs, down the hallway towards their bedroom. It would have been easy to catch up to her but he deliberately kept his pace slower than hers. He caught her at the door as she tried to slam it in his face. It was easy to pull her smaller frame against his with one arm hooked around her waist while his free hand closed the bedroom door.

He had lifted her up so they were on eye level. She was essentially trapped between his check and the hard wood surface of the door at her back. Her breath quickened and her pulse raced. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled his scent. He reminded her of the sun and outdoors. Her eyes were on his mouth and she swallowed as his lips parted in a smile.

"Look at me." The command was spoken softly. She took a shuddering breath before obeying him. His eyes were the deepest blue and she found herself drowning in them. How did he reduce her to mass of nerves with so little effort. She may as well be a well tuned violin in a master's hand considering how well he played her.

Her dark eyes were only for him. He couldn't tell her how intoxicating he found her response. That long car ride to New York had convinced him that the attraction between them was mutual and that she was far too controlled to ever act on it. So he had pursued her instead. And what an exciting interlude it had been taming her to his touch.

But as he leaned down to kiss her a slow raging fire started deep within. It was always like this with her. A kiss, a touch, just once was never enough to satisfy. Her arms slid around him and his hands on her hips were lifting her up until they were pressed hard against each other. She moved and wrapped her legs around him. He felt himself starting to harden and deepened the kiss, his tongue diving into her mouth to seek out hers. She moved into his mouth and he knew they weren't making it any further into the bedroom.
She was holding onto him as he lowered them both to the floor. He tried to mount her but she shoved him. She shook her head and he grinned. He removed his shirt and then helped her remove hers. Soon she was straddling him, relishing the sight of his naked physic. With his hands on her hips he guided her down on him until he was fully sheathed inside.

This was her favorite part when she was riding him until she brought him to the peak of his pleasure. He climaxed in her hard. Neither noticed that they had forgotten to take the necessary precautions. She waited for her own orgasms to subside before she hung limp over him. Having him deflate inside her with all the stickiness off their union was a foreign sensation. She suddenly felt tired but she didn't want to move off him either.

"We should get you cleaned up." His voice was gentle as his touch as he pushed back a strand of hair off her face.

"I'm too tired."

"How about a bath?" He asked, watching her face carefully. It sounded rather good at the moment. She only looked him in the eyes and he saw them start to darken again.

He moved quickly, slipping her off him and scooping her up in his arms. Placing her in the empty tub he quickly adjusted the water until it was the right temperature. He climbed into the tub and settled behind her. His hands bathed her with the tender care.

Then he was placing kisses on the back of her neck. As the hot water rose around them his fingers darted inside her. His free hand took turn giving attention to her breasts. The wave of pleasure caught her off guard even as his finger led her on a merry chase. He brought her to climax before lifting her out of the bath. He dried both of them off before carrying her to their bed.

"Too tired for my games?" He laid her down in the middle of the bed. She looked up at him a long minute as if deciding her next move. She made a move to roll off the bed but he was too quick. Both her wrists were caught fast in his hand and stretched above her head as he straddled her hips to keep her in place.

"I'll scream." She said and he smiled. His mouth was on hers in a kiss.

"We can't have that can we?" He flipped her onto her stomach. There was a pause before black satin was pulled tight across her eyes. She felt the round smoothness against her tongue and teeth as he muffled her ability to scream. "You should never lie to your husband about what you really want darling wife."

His whispered words sent a shiver of excitement up her spine. In this moment nothing and no one mattered, just Tony and all the ways he made her feel.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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