Chapter 2 - Juliet and Her Romeo

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Every story has a beginning. Sabrina's began in the linoleum hallway of a paid by the week motel the night her mother disappeared. Valentine had been gone far longer than it took to buy food. There was nothing to eat in the motel mini fridge and Sabrina was hungry. Hunger made the young 14 year-old venture out heedless of her mother's caution.

He had pale blond hair that looked almost silver and hung a little past his shoulders. He was not much older than her but at 16, Andre Davenport was already nearing the six feet broad shouldered frame that would one day be his. On that night he was just a beautiful boy standing across the hall from a beautiful auburn-haired girl with the greenest eyes he had ever seen.

"Hi." They said at the same time. She didn't know how to be coy yet so she just stared at him. Anger that had driven him out of his own room to this hallway with every intention of leaving this godforsaken place was forgotten. He couldn't help grinning back at her blatant interest. He'd seen that look often enough in females older and younger than him. He knew well that his very white skin, pale blond hair and grey eyes with a penchant for taking on shades of blue from their surroundings was striking. It could have been worse this albinism he had inherited from his mother. Remembering Emory soured his mood again and he shoved all thought of her out of his mind.

"Do I have something on my face?" He pretended mock concern. She blushed and laughed.

"I'm sorry but you're very beautiful." She blushed. Why had she said that to him. "I didn't mean."

He held up his hand and shook his head. "I know and thank you."

They both laughed. Whatever else she would have said was forgotten at his smile. His teeth were so white and even. His smile deepened and she noticed the deep dimples that softened the sharpness of his jaw. Sabrina's body felt warm all over and heart fluttered, skipping a beat.

"I'm Andre." He held out his hand.

"Sabrina." She placed her hand in his. In a move that surprised and charmed her all at once, he closed his fingers around hers before raising her hand to his mouth for a kiss. His lips on the back of her hand were soft and his warm breath caressed the surface of her wet skin in the wake of his kiss.

"I was going out to get something to eat. Wanna come?" Her stomach growled inappropriately at his words. She flashed him a bright smile hoping to mask her embarrassment even as her blush deepened. She could only nod her head.

"I don't have any money though." Reality intruded on her desire to prolong their encounter. Her mother had been gone for two days now and Sabrina was hungry and worried. Hunger won out as Andre took her hand and led her outside.

This is where the movie would cue the montage sequence with a romantic song as Andre and Sabrina spend the day falling in love. But this is not a love story. Our young "Romeo" took his "Juliet" around New York City on what felt like a fantastical magical adventure. It was a day Sabrina would never forget. She would often take out the cherished memories to reminisce when life would become hard in the future.

At the night's end, he took her to the Davenport building rooftop to watch the sunset. As the sun set leaving the sky streaked in deep purple and fiery orange, with the twinkle of the city light surrounding them like a semi dark shroud, Andre bestowed upon Sabrina her first kiss.

As darkness descended around them, Andre and Sabrina were both reluctant for the day to end. He kissed her again. This kiss was an invitation and Sabrina responded, instinctively wanting more. On the rooftop of the Davenport beneath the lights of the city the young lovers found a shadowy corner. For them both, sex was a new territory to be discovered. They were heedless of everything except unraveling this new mystery their youthful bodies presented. In the early hours of the morning when the sky was still pitch black, they reluctantly took flight from left their secluded rooftop nest. They made their way downtown to the motel with its pine sol and bleach scented hallways.

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