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There is this one young Advocate who is new into this field. He was witty and impulsive when he found something wrong. His intital days went well with him assisting his senior and observing his cases and how he fought for them. Then he got a case from a family saying that their inheritance was taken allegedly. Obviously this youngman got offended seeing the couple's princess crying. They might have left about the properties and wealth if it was not huge. It left them almost on streets which left the couple go bankrupt. After a lot of research, they got to know about this public prosecutor who immediately took up this case. It took him many days and nights to figure out what the issue was only to find out that the relatives of the couple left no chance to claim their property as theirs. They destroyed every evidence to show the property as theirs. He went mad and the tears shread by them didn't let him settle in peace. He dug everything and it took him almost 2 years to be precise to accumilate every single detail. He was ready to fight for them and make sure that they face their demons too. But did he expect his mentor to be his opposition prosecutor? His stress levels have gone to the peaks which made him restless.

After 1 year 10 months and 16 days he won! Tears drenched his face when victory found his side to console him. The couple and their daughter were happy and offered a huge fee but he don't know why he declined it. His daily routine changed in those 4 years and he don't know why he gets so cranky and easily angry on others. That's when she saw him again, accidentally, only to stir his feelings which are even unknown to him. He liked her and he hesitated to say it to her until the D-day came, her engagement, with some other person. He was unable to take it that he crashed into her engagement making a huge ruscus over there declaring his love for her. For sure Ridhi Nair got shocked of her friend but did her parents get shocked? Ofcourse not! They knew the glances he give to their daughter and the little tea party he attends to see their daughter.

It took few months for Ridhi to digest and trust him but convincing her parents for Rana Randhawa is not so easy. Facing this fake criticism from them, their fake discouragement never made Rana happy. But finally he won their hearts too as they don't wanna burden this poor guy who have gone through so much. Though she went on a few dates with him and he accompanying her till her office has turned normal, Ridhi still felt that they didn't have a spark between them. She confessed the same to him which only made him angry. Until he married her in no time and made her pregnant, she didn't realise the love she had for Rana and what kind of a ruthless person and energised husband he is. He made sure that he never heard those words again from her. He had his ways to shut her thoughts and show his love which is dark and romantic. She fell for this rapscallion slowly drowing his mischevious love finally giving birth to the Aadhwik Randhawa and being the mother of the two children. Ridhi and Rana had their share of romance with equal number of fights still igniting their romance. But who knows that their little Aadh will be their biggest headache?

With Love ❤️

Word Count: 610.

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