Chapter 7: finish him

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Caroline, Bugsy, and Rebecca rushed out of the building, each splattered with blood. They ran for a vehicle in the parking lot. Caroline hopped in the driver's seat, Rebecca in the passenger's, and Bugsy in the backseat. "Go, go, go!" Bugsy yelled from behind Caroline. She stepped on the gas and the car zoomed into a U-turn before speeding onto the road. "Thank you!" Rebecca yelled to Caroline as they drove, unable to hear how loud she was talking. Caroline glanced at her and nodded since she couldn't sign while driving. "I feel like I'm a burden, and I'm sorry for being shit at fighting." She added more. Caroline turned to her and shook her head. She instinctively slammed on the breaks and turned to Rebecca, launching Bugsy forward in her seat. "Hey," Bugsy said, but Caroline had muted every other sound and Rebecca couldn't hear anyway. "That's not true." Caroline signed. "You don't have to lie." Rebecca responded, still adamant she was right. "No, shut up." Caroline signed and Rebecca stopped signing back. "Having you here isn't a burden. Seeing your face gives me the will to fight back...especially when you get hurt. I hate to see you get hurt and when you do I just snap. I need you there. We need you there. I can't do it without you—without knowing where you are." Rebecca looked at her face and signed back. "But, you tried to send me away the first time." Caroline shook her head. "Because I thought it was best, but I realize that you are just as important. If you want to go back, you can, but just know, when you are here you're not a burden." Rebecca nodded. "Of course I don't want to go. I want to see you safe as much as you want to see me safe, but...I don't get it." Caroline tilted her head. "What do you mean?" Caroline asked. "You don' me." Rebecca signed. Bugsy looked forward, thoroughly confused since she couldn't understand sign language, but was still somehow engaged. "Rebecca," Caroline signed. "I don't have to be in love with you to love you." Rebecca smiled in slight disappointment, but also joy that she loved her. "You're my best friend and you have no idea how much I look up to you. Just because you can't hear everything or fight well or see the future, it doesn't mean you're not just as important." Rebecca smiled again, this time it was real and she leaned in to embrace Caroline. They hugged for what seemed like ages to Bugsy. "I hate to break up your beautiful moment that I in no way understand, but we have places to be." Bugsy reminded them and Caroline broke away and signed to Rebecca "We have to go." Rebecca nodded and sat back against her seat again as Caroline started driving again. Suddenly, Caroline's phone got a call from an unknown number. She knew she couldn't answer, so she passed the phone back to Bugsy. She hesitated before tapping the button to answer. "Hello?" She said in curiosity. "Hey! Hey!" She heard a familiar voice say. "Mallory?" She called out and almost stood up in excitement to hear his voice, but she hit her head on the roof. "Bugsy?" Mallory said on the other line, calling from a pay phone. "Yeah, yeah!" She said smiling. "It's great to hear your voice!" She said in a relieved tone. "Yeah, same here, but...we're kinda in deep shit." He responded. Bugsy's smile instantly dropped and turned to a concerned expression. "What?" She asked. "Just meet us at..." he continued to tell her the address and she listened attentively and directed Caroline.

Hadrian was being held up by both Mallory and Marshall and screaming "I'm fine!" As they did so. Mallory shoved the door open and pulled Hadrian in behind him with Marshall's help. "Demitri!" Mallory called out in a friendly yet frantic tone. Demitri turned from the bar and saw them. He instantly shook his head and pointed to the door. "No, no. Out!" He said while walking towards them. "Please," Mallory begged. "He's hurt." Mallory gestured to Hadrian who then pushed off of him. "I'm fine!" He said in anger, but almost fell over after he pushed their arms off of him. Demitri saw this and sighed. "Fine." He said and Mallory's eyes lit up as he tried to hold Hadrian up. "But, don't get blood on my furniture, bring him in the back." He ushered them to follow him with his hand as he turned around and started walking. Marshall and Mallory shared a glance before hurrying behind him and forcing the reluctant Hadrian to come with them by pulling his arms.

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