Chapter 5: realization

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Step out with your hands behind your head!" An officer screamed out to the cars. "Oh, God, I've passed out so many times today." Hadrian said, annoyed. Caroline looked at him. "Your plan is shit." She said straight up. "Maybe," he said, "but, it's all we have to work with, so.."  Caroline took a deep breath and tilted her head slightly, preparing for everything to go wrong. "Alright, let's do this." Hadrian said. Caroline nodded and crawled to the back. Hadrian opened the door and the police flinched and repositioned their hands on their guns. "He's getting out." One yelled. "Stay focused." Another one responded. Meanwhile, Caroline was climbing over the bodies, she cringed and turned her head away to keep from gagging. She stepped on one to get over the seat and into the back. She winced as she stepped off of the body, feeling disgusting. She then slowly opened up the trunk door.

In the other SUV, Bugsy and Mallory were still freaking out. "Woah, what's she doing? What's she doing?!" Mallory yelled. "I don't know!" Bugsy screamed back.

Hadrian stepped all the way out, the door blocking the cops from seeing him. He slowly closed it and stepped forward, revealing who he was. "Shit, it's that kid...from the news." A cop turned to another in confusion. "No way he killed those men." Another cop said back. Hadrian walked forward with his hands in the air, trembling. "Please..." He said, slightly lowering his arms. "Keep your hands in the air!" An officer screamed at him. He was very angry and wanted to murder them all, but that's not how he'd get out of this. So, he raised his hands higher and put on a face of fright. He staggered towards the cop and limped with his right leg. He was around ten feet away and then he collapsed. He fell down on the ground, pretending to have passed out from exhaustion. Many cops began to rush forward, but one in front held up his hand and stopped them. "Hold on, he might be armed." He said cautiously. One next to him shook his head. "He's a kid." He said before walking forward. Many cops followed and came to his aid. The rest of the officers rushed to the cars to see if there was anyone else. They checked the first and shined their lights inside before opening. Others went to the second and found two people—two dead people in the backseat and saw the front passenger's side door was wide open.

Bugsy and Mallory were sprinting with Caroline in the lead. She was trying to lead them to her apartment. "Where are we going?" An out of breath Mallory yelled out. She lightly turned her head and signaled to her mouth to remind him she was mute. He groaned and Bugsy rolled her eyes. They sprinted for what seemed like forever. Caroline saw that a cop car would pull up in quick vision and got the feeling again. She quickly stopped and backed up, pushing them with her onto the wall of a building. "Hey-" Bugsy started to say, but stopped when she saw the car drive past. They looked close and saw an unconscious Hadrian leaning against the window. "Hey, he's in there." Mallory pointed. "Should we try to help?" He asked. Caroline shook her head and they all moved away from the wall. She pointed to him and shook her hands to say don't worry and held her hand out in a thumbs up. "He...planned this?" Bugsy asked. She nodded in excitement that they understood. "Ugh, his shitty plans." Mallory said, leaning his head against the wall. "Hey," Bugsy hit his shoulder. "You got one?" Mallory looked at her and then shook his head. He started walking forward. He turned back. "You gonna lead us or what?" He asked Caroline. She nodded and rushed forward.

Hadrian sat with his head laid on the cold metal table. He was in the police station in one of the side rooms. His hands were cuffed to the table and he still pretended to be asleep. He sat thinking about the tracker he left in the SUV. His entire plan was falling apart. Suddenly, something slammed on the metal table and he jumped, giving him no choice but to pretend to wake up. He lifted his head and got back into character. "What is this?" He said, squirming his hands in the cuffs and looking up at the man in front of him. "I got you a snack." He said and pointed at the granola bar he had slammed on the table. Hadrian rushed to grab it and ripped open the wrapper with his trembling hands. He took a huge bite and looked around, pretending to be paranoid. "Calm down. You're not in trouble as of now." The man said, "I'm Marshall Collins, FBI. I just want to ask you a few questions." Hadrian looked at him with an amused face and leaned his head back, but he quickly fixed it and tried to act "his age" again. "What do you want to know, sir?"
"Well, first off, what's your name?"
"Okay, good start...Now, where were you yesterday?"
"I..uh...I went to a bar. I don't remember how I got there..I was told to.."
"Okay, what else?"
"I uh...I took a pill and then....I don't remember..I-..."
"These pills?"
The detective asked and set the bottle on the counter. Hadrian looked up at him with a sinister glance for the slightest second. Marshall caught this but didn't say anything. "Uh...yes, I think." Hadrian said. "Okay, good." The detective said, still trying to treat him as a child. "Now," he continued. "What happened to the men in the back of those cars we found you driving?" Hadrian took a deep breath. "I don't know. I just took a car and they were already there." His true personality was slowly starting to show through as he got more aggravated. "Hmm" the detective clicked his teeth. "And who was driving behind you?" Hadrian straightened his tie. "I don't know, maybe someone trailing me." The detective slowly nodded. "Also, how do you, a kid, know how to drive?" Hadrian sat up straighter. "I don't know, they made me learn." The detective quickly shot another question. "Who?" Hadrian started tapping his foot in irritation. "I don't know...some men." The detective leaned closer and cupped his hands on the table. "You know what I think, Charlie?" Hadrian looked at him, his annoyance showing now. "What, sir?" The detective chuckled a bit. "I think it's bullshit." He leaned back in his chair and stared at Hadrian straight in the eyes. Hadrian was fed up now and he couldn't pretend anymore. He slammed his granola bar down on the table. "Listen," he started. "I think you're a smart guy, Marshall," he made sure to emphasize that he knew his name and leaned closer. "So, if I were you, I'd act like everyone else here and treat me like a scared little boy." The detective smirked a bit. "Or what?" He said, testing him. Hadrian leaned in more. "You don't want to know." He said in such a sinister tone and, just by the look in his eyes, Marshall could tell he was a killer. He grunted in discomfort and quickly slid his chair out to get up. He started to walk out but stopped. "Good talk, Charlie." He said to Hadrian who was still facing forward ready to kill anyone who got in his way. He then opened his hand to reveal that he had stolen the pin from the detective's tie "fucking idiot." He muttered to himself, smiling as he started picking the lock in the cuffs with it.

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