[°~♡John doe x reader ~Want~] Fluff

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[A/n This is just a test! I'm still trying to get used to writing!]
[Character belongs entirely to masochist fox the creator!]
"You" = is you
And parentheses text signifies thoughts! ("Like this!")
Patterns like these signify time skip

Thats it enjoy!

Your POV:

"Damn it, I slept in again, I better get ready."

Your annoyed and tired voice had echoed throughout your bedroom as you stood up sluggishly.

("Should I take a shower today..?")

You questioned in thought.

"Nah, I can go one more day, besides I don't think people in a gas station are really care about that.." You assured yourself

You walk over to your dresser and start throwing together an outfit for work and grabbing your bag to head out, kind of ignoring breakfast because your already late, you can just buy something from your workplace.

You board the bus and take a seat, besides maybe a good 7 people the bus was pretty much empty, something felt off though..

You looked up from your lap to see a man, he looked pretty ragged and was staring at you intently with almost unblinking agape eyes....

In an odd way he's kind of cute
In that weird stalker type of way

Your snapped out of your thoughts as the bus had stopped at your workplace, you stood up and grabbed your things as you exit the bus in a hurry.

You open the doors to the old gas station, and finally stop behind the counter, placing your stuff down leaning against the front counter in boredom

Your job gets very repetitive and boring normally, but it pays of the apartments rent, not many people stop by this place, the town of uncanny valley is quite vague and small on its own.

Your snapped out of your internal conversation with yourself to hear the door jingling signifying someone's entry. It's that guy from the bus ride here..

He walks up to the counter and greets you vaguely

He speaks almost quietly as he stands still Infront of you.

"Oh, hello sir how may I help you..?"
You try to speak to him casually without showing how anxious you were getting around them, you normally don't have an issue speaking with customers of any kind but something is extremely off with this guy..

He cuts of your train of thought as he speaks up once again

"You smell nice.."
He says as he keeps his gaze on you, has he even blinked this entire time talking to you..?

"Oh, um thank you I guess."
You awkwardly take his compliment, although it was a little creepy of him to say, its nice knowing you smell good without having showered

"So, What's your name..?"
He exclaims, his grin seeming to somehow widen.

You hesitantly say, you had no clue what he was on about but you still kept up your conversation with him nonetheless.
            "Thats definitely one of the names I've heard! Mine is


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