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Sara woke up the following day, surprised to find herself in her bedroom. She didn't think she'd fallen asleep while watching her show, but how did she get into her room? Sara only came up with one answer.

Sephiroth put her on her bed while she was asleep. Sara was glad that Sephiroth had brought her to bed, but she felt sad that he had left.

What am I thinking? Me being sad that Sephiroth isn't here? That's just no; that's wishful thinking. There's no way he could ever like some girl like me. Besides, we're now comrades; let's leave it at that. I wish my heart would stop fluttering whenever I think about him.

After settling her thoughts, Sara decided to get ready for the day. It was Saturday, and the departure for Wutai will be on Monday morning. She decided what better way to spend a Saturday morning than to do some shopping.

After having breakfast and wearing casual clothes, Sara headed to the shopping district near the company's headquarters. She hit a few clothing stores and bought cute outfits on clearance. After cloth shopping, Sara went to a small cafe near the shopping district. As she sat down and the waiter handed her the menu, an uninvited guest sat next to her.

"I would like to have a menu, please."

Sara was surprised to see Genesis sitting down beside her. The waiter quickly handed him a menu and took their drink and food orders as requested. After the waiter left, Sara looked at Genesis curiously.

"Well, this is unexpected," Sara commented, "I wasn't expecting to have lunch with anyone."

Genesis smirked, "I was passing by, and I happened to see you walking into the cafe. Then I decided I would like to spend some time with you."

Sara felt a bit uncomfortable, but she kept her calm and played along, "I don't see the harm in spending time with a comrade."

"Comrade?" Genesis raised a brow, "Is that what I am to you?"

"What else is there?" Sara asked.

Genesis pinched the bridge of his nose, "Well, let's say I would like to take you out on a date."

Sara's eyes went wide as saucers, "What?!"

"As a way of saying thank you for saving my life," Genesis quickly explained.

Sara crossed her arms and raised a brow, "I also saved Angeal's life, but he's not asking me out on a date."

Genesis chuckled, "Angeal is more a down-to-earth kind of guy, but that doesn't mean he appreciates that you saved his life."

Sara looked away and humphed, "So he's the goodie-shoes-type of guy, and you're the ladies-man-killer."

Genesis touched his chest as if struck by a bullet, laughing, "Ouch! You sure do know how to use strong words."

Sara rolled her eyes as the waiter brought out their food and drinks. Genesis took a sip from his glass of soda and decided to continue their conversation.

"So, Sara, what's your answer?" Genesis asked with a sly smirk.

But she gave him a cold glare and replied, "I have no interest in dating you. Besides, I'm rather distracted now with the war going on."

"Distracted, huh?" Genesis frowned, "What else is there for you to be distracted about?"

Sara bit her lip while clenching her fists, refusing to answer. She wanted to tell Genesis about her worries about not seeing her mom and Shinra watching her every move along with the war. The thought of dating didn't seem right to her.

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