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Sara and Cloud immediately dashed towards the Shinra infantrymen. As they were running, bullets were coming at them like a hailstorm. However, they were able to dodge and deflect the shots with their swords in a precise manner. At the same time, Wedge and Biggs were shooting the infantrymen from the higher ground allowing Cloud and Sara to take down the squad of infantrymen in no time.

Then more foot soldiers show up, and auto-missile launchers began to open fire. Cloud and Sara barely dodge the missiles while trying to attack the infantrymen.

"You've gotta be shitting me." Biggs groaned, seeing the missile launchers. He looks at Cloud and Sara, who were doing their best but barely. Biggs muttered, "Gimme a bit more time, and I got you."

Biggs begins to make his way to the auto-missile launchers. Cloud and Sara continued to fight on the plaza. As one soldier tries to throw a grenade at Sara, another tries to shoot her. Sara misses the grenade but only gets grazed by the bullet from a gun. The burning feeling from her right bicep was painful, but she endured it. Then a high whistling sound was near her. She looked over her shoulder and saw a missile coming straight at her. Taking a deep breath, Sara jumped high in the air and avoided the missile. Finally, what seemed a long time, Biggs pushes down the auto-missile launchers from a high platform.

Seeing this, Wedge exclaimed, "And down she goes!"

Biggs laughed, "Look at us amateurs putting in the work."

Suddenly, a small door opens nearby, and about twelve guard dogs come out of the door then surrounds Cloud and Sara. Just before the dogs' attack, Sara heard a loud whistle. She looked over and saw Wedge, who had a dog whistle in his hand.

Wedge smiled, "Don't worry, I've got this!"

Wedge began to run around the plaza and shouted, "Catch me if you can!"

Six guard dogs began to chase Wedge, and one of them manages to bite him in the rear. Wedge yelped a bit but continued to run. Cloud and Sara started to attack the rest of the guard dogs. Once they were through with the dogs surrounding them, they went after the ones chasing Wedge. After they were through, Wedge collapsed and breathed heavily.

Wedge, "I think I ran off the pizza..."

Biggs, who watch the whole thing, shouted with encouragement, "Helluva show, man! If only the ladies loved you that much!"

Wedge smiled, "I'm glad someone's enjoying themselves!"

An alarm went off, and two large doors started to open. Coming out of the doors were three large sweepers.

Seeing this, Biggs sighed in exasperation, "Of course they store mechs here."

Sara spoke with enthusiasm, "Come on; the party is just getting started! You ready for more?"

The guys smiled at her words and replied with positivity.

Biggs, "Hell yeah!"

Wedge, "More than you know!"

Cloud, "Bring it!"

Cloud raised his hand as a ball of light forms in the palm of his hand. He could feel the power of the summoning materia as he calls forth Ifrit.

Cloud shouted, "You're up, Ifrit!"

Then a burst of flames came out of nowhere then a large creature appeared; it was Ifrit. A fire beast with long curved horns, glowing red eyes, skin that looks like lava, and long hair. He has clawed hands and feet and wears leg and arm guards and a loincloth. His red eyes saw the sweepers and began to attack them with frighting flame punches and kicks. In no time, the sweepers didn't stand a chance against a powerful creature. Once he did that and saw his summoner was safe, Ifrit jumped up and vanished.

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