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Sara held her guard up while staring at her mentor with eyes of alertness. Even though she could tackle many monsters and enemy soldiers, she could not match Sephiroth. Before walking toward the small hallway, her mentor stared at her.

"Wait here."

And so Sara waited; her alertness turned into curiosity. Sephiroth came back carrying a long black box. He placed the box on the small dining table and opened it. He pulled out a katana with a black sheath, but the guard and handle were similar to Sephiroth's sword. Sephiroth turns to Sara and presents the weapon to her.

"Your new weapon, take it."

Sara's eyes widened in surprise, and she took the katana. She couldn't help but admire the beautiful craftsmanship on such a fine blade. She smiled and said, "Thank you so much!"

Then she recalled what happened to her last weapon and asked, "But would it withstand my strength?"

"That sword is out of the very same material that crafted my sword," Sephiroth explained, "And also made by the same craftsman who made mine."

"Seriously!" Sara exclaimed, "Wow! It looks similar to yours well, except it's smaller. Does it have a name?"

Sephiroth smiled, "Its name is Muramasa."

"Muramasa," Sara muttered and smiled, "That name suits it well."

"Glad you like it," said Sephiroth, "A fine SOLDIER deserves a fine weapon."

"Does this mean that I'm no longer your student?" Sara asked.

Sephiroth said nothing but walked over to the large window in the living room. Sara wondered if she may have asked something she shouldn't have. She was ready to apologize when Sephiroth answered.

"Yes, we are no longer student and teacher. Now that you are SOLDIER First Class. But, don't be afraid to come and ask for help if you need it."

Sara spoke happily, "I will, sir! And I won't let you down."

Sara looked at the clock on the wall nearby and realized that she had to get ready soon before Genesis and Angeal leave her behind.

"Sorry, sir! I've gotta go!" Sara quickly said. Sephiroth looked at her curiously.

"Where too?"

"Angeal and Genesis invited me to dinner to celebrate our promotion," Sara answered, "We're going to a restaurant near the building so that we won't be far. I'll see you later; thanks again for the sword. I'll take great care with it. Bye!"

Sara walked out of the door, leaving Sephiroth in his apartment. But she did not notice his eyes seemed mixed with emotion when she walked out of that door.

Sara went to her room, quickly took a shower, and then put on her favorite outfit. A black denim jacket with a teal v-neck tank top and grey camo skinny jeans with combat boots. She decided to wear makeup that gave her a natural look with pink lip gloss and silver hooped earrings. After getting ready, she headed out.

Genesis and Angeal waited for her when she arrived at the front foyer. Both men were wearing casual clothing. Angeal wore a fitted black shirt with jeans and black boots. Genesis wore leather pants with a red shirt with a silver-colored tribal tiger on the side and black boots.

When the guys saw Sara coming down the stairs, they were stunned to see Sara looking so hot. Genesis couldn't help but take her hand and kiss it.

"My, my, Saraphina, you look so stunning in that outfit," Genesis commented, "I thought I was looking at a different woman."

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