Pt 2

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‧₊˚✧⋆*・゚☾ ⋆* Infatuation ‧₊˚✧⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*

Rosaline was supposed to be sleeping.

Her mind raced instead, all while her husband's soft snores sounded around the room.

If they hadn't been there, Rosaline feared he might've woken from her heartbeat.

Her hands were clasped at her chest as she considered her life for the first time in a while. Marrying a king had never been her wish, and the only perk was the freedom that came with the title of queen.

Her relationship with her husband was harmonious but not romantic. He kissed her forehead each night, and that was all the affection they shared.

Eventually, her thoughts got the best of her, and Rosaline rose from the bed, albeit quietly, and threw on a robe, making her way down the halls to the sitting room.

When she arrived, the fireplace was still lit, the amber glow and crackling giving the room a cozy ambiance. Mind already slowing, she settled into one of the comfier armchairs.

Tea was quickly brought to her by one of the servants on the night shift, and Rosaline thanked them with a smile.

She propped her bare feet up on the center table, not bothering with manners this late.

The queen sighed. She drank her tea, and thought some more, eventually returning to bed.


The next day passed like any other, bsides the moment where the king confirmed Nevaeh's request to depart in four days. Beyond that, it was only meetings with officials and greeting nobles with a smiling face.

The work was exhausting in its own way, and by the time evening rolled around, just after dinner, Rosaline found herself desperately needing to unwind.

She retrieved one of her favorite poem collections, a light woven blanket, and some pastries from the kitchen... And possibly some lemon water as well.

Eventually, the queen stepped into the natural light for the first time that day. Although it was later, fall had not yet stolen the evening sun, so there was enough to read by, and bathe in.

Her light blue dress was well fitting but airy, and drifted to the ground like a snowflake to ice as she settled. The blanket was soft against her bare legs and the pastries dissolved on her tongue, mellow flavors of lemon and peach making her eyes close in happiness.

It took little time for Rosaline to begin to enjoy herself, and soon she was floating in her own world of typewritten words about lost worlds and wildflowers.


The light was beginning to dim, and her pastry supply had begun to dwindle, but the stories were capturing, so Rosaline read on.

When approaching footsteps sounded against the grass, she didn't bother to look up.

"I'll be in before the sun sets, just let me finish these few pages if you will."

Only when she was met with silence did Rosaline glance up, except her eyes stayed where they were this time.

Nevaeh smiled down at her, a basket in hand. But the basket wasn't what captivated the queen; it barely even stood a chance.

Nevaeh was barefoot, dressed in a pair of black, flowing pants, tied at the waist, and a halter top, revealing the black ink that seemed to flow like water across her skin. Skin which was dark and smooth, rich and dewy as morning grass. She had a navel piercing as well, embellished with what seemed to be a raw stone of a deep blue color.

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